browny_440 OP : these could be put into lifeguard situations of our beaches potential be massive just a suggestion
browny_440 OP : even monitoring sharks
browny_440 OP : won't be long and ZENA will branch into Australia for sure
Red_Volatile_Liquid : Plenty of sharks in Aus. They can start with Western and South Australia.
152447536 browny_440 OP : As an Australian seeing one and going “oh u made me money” would be nice
Foxy88 : As an Australian they could carry mosquito zippers them ...but not allowed to love stocks
browny_440 OP : these could be put into lifeguard situations of our beaches potential be massive just a suggestion
browny_440 OP : even monitoring sharks
browny_440 OP : won't be long and ZENA will branch into Australia for sure
Red_Volatile_Liquid : Plenty of sharks in Aus. They can start with Western and South Australia.
152447536 browny_440 OP : As an Australian seeing one and going “oh u made me money” would be nice
Foxy88 : As an Australian they could carry mosquito zippers them ...but not allowed to love stocks