browny_440 : hold to 50 we heading to 50 first bench mark is 50
browny_440 : moon soon
browny_440 : is this week the week we pop?????? hoping so
Swinger1552 OP browny_440 : No not this week need a few months for a 25$ price in my opinion
browny_440 Swinger1552 OP : yes and no could be any day honestly this stock will be above 100 one day we really just need a major name buy in other than military money eg. blackrock vanguard. they probably already are buying in.
Yi xun Wei browny_440 : The idea sounds great, but the reality proves otherwise.
browny_440 : hold to 50 we heading to 50 first bench mark is 50
browny_440 : moon soon
browny_440 : is this week the week we pop?????? hoping so
Swinger1552 OP browny_440 : No not this week need a few months for a 25$ price in my opinion
browny_440 Swinger1552 OP : yes and no could be any day honestly this stock will be above 100 one day we really just need a major name buy in other than military money eg. blackrock vanguard. they probably already are buying in.
Yi xun Wei browny_440 : The idea sounds great, but the reality proves otherwise.