dividend on 12/2, this is going to drop overall for a while. Because of dividends and the fact it's a volatile stock, it should get some nice bounces.
Am I selling, or did I sell? NO. I don't return my ownership 😁 do I sell calls? Yup! do I collect dividends? Yep! Do i sleep well, not worrying about price action? Absolutely 😉 up down all around - I make money. But if you are afraid of volatility, then beware. Me, I love the drop.
I suspect that this drops and chops sideways for a while, maybe months but always twirling, twirling towards a breakout 🤣
101633546 : what is the target price after break out?
iamiam OP 101633546 : 40s-60s 6 months to a year from now