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Since earlier this year, our anti-fraud team at moomoo has been alerted to several cases of fraudsters impersonating us on Telegram. These scammers create groups using our official logos and content to seem legitimate, but they're actually set up to trick people into making fake investments and stealing their money.
Posing as moomoo staff or advisors, these criminals offer investment opportunities that seem too good to be true, often promising high returns. They...
Posing as moomoo staff or advisors, these criminals offer investment opportunities that seem too good to be true, often promising high returns. They...
![[Scam Alert] Imposters on Telegram](https://1500015405.vod2.myqcloud.com/57f4fa2avodtransusw1500015405/28b3a8ff1397757891057475858/coverBySnapshot/coverBySnapshot_10_0.jpg)
ぴとえぴあ : I am currently doing a side job on Telegram. The other day, when I tried to withdraw 0.04 million, I mistakenly transferred 150,000 yen to the wrong cryptocurrency address. They said I can withdraw it after that, but in the group, it was mentioned that if anyone makes a mistake, they have to transfer 5 times the amount before depositing 40,000 yen. Is it okay? Is it Itsuki who is in charge?
ぴとえぴあ : It was a mistake.