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エコの森 Private ID: 181601617
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    エコの森 commented on
    We have been continuously calling attention to fraudulent acts and fraud groups, but recently there have been reports of cases where users are directed to external SNS such as LINE by means such as SMS or individual messages, and further fraudulent acts are carried out.
    Such cases pose a serious threat to the safety of many users' personal information and assets. Therefore, we will introduce in detail the various types of fraud, methods, and prevention measures that make full use of SNS such as LINE, so please refer to it.
    What is LINE fraud?
    LINE fraud refers to various fraudulent acts using LINE, and includes false investment projects, high profit guarantees, transmission of phishing links, etc. Personal information may be leaked due to these fraudulent acts, and there is a possibility that victims may incur financial losses, etc.
    What is a trick to defraud personal information?
    Break into a mobile carrier's partner server and obtain personal information via a malicious application or virus.
    Add friends on LINE and contact them via chat.
    Obtain personal information by impersonating an acquaintance or public institution and using fake emails, websites, etc.
    Let's protect your personal information! Fraud methods and fraud prevention measures on LINE
    Let's protect your personal information! Fraud methods and fraud prevention measures on LINE
    Let's protect your personal information! Fraud methods and fraud prevention measures on LINE
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