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カレー党 Private ID: 181395702
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    Former Secretary-General Ishiba expressed his desire to strengthen taxation on financial income.Kobahawk, also known as Mr. Kobayashi, expressed opposition.It seems that one of the key issues in the leadership election has emerged suddenly.So, first let's summarize the background of the increase in taxes on financial income that Prime Minister Kishida proposed in the previous leadership election.
    Therefore, I have compiled the history of the increase in taxes on financial income proposed by Prime Minister Kishida in the previous leadership election.
    What is taxable financial income?
    Taxable financial income refers to the taxes on capital gains from stocks and dividends. Currently, the tax rate for financial income is set at a flat rate of 20% (15% income tax and 5% resident tax). *Currently, the recovery tax is 0.315% in addition to 20.315%.
    Prime Minister Kishida was considering revising this tax system in order to balance growth and distribution at the time. Specifically, as follows.
    Tax rate increase:Proposal to raise the flat rate of 20%.
    Progressive taxation:A proposal to impose taxes progressively on high-income earners.
    What is the 0.1 billion yen threshold?
    Due to the current flat 20% taxation on financial income, there is a problem known as the "0.1 billion yen threshold", where the tax burden for high-income earners is relatively light. This refers to high-income earners with a high proportion of financial income being able to profit at a consistent tax rate without being subject to progressive taxation.
    自民党総裁選 金融所得課税 増税の是非が争点の1つになるか!?
    自民党総裁選 金融所得課税 増税の是非が争点の1つになるか!?
    From Reuters.
    ✴️NVIDIA✴️& TOYOTA‼️
    The last one is written hesitantly.
    'It was not a worse crash than feared.'
    The wording of ,, the A.I. boom will continue
    From a perspective,,
    I think this applies to all other semiconductor companies
    It can be said that it is not a boom
    Now, there is a shortage of rice, but just like the daily rice 🍚, it must not run out.
    I keenly feel that it is all about existence.
    ✴️NVIDIA✴️ It's okay not to follow the conventional path. It's okay not to be at the top. It's a harsh business world🌎 without taking a break.
    Datacenters and the development of robots
    I want you to do your best.
    ✳️Additional note
    ✴️NVIDIA✴️ and TOYOTA✴️ have finally teamed up for full-fledged self-driving cars.
    It seems that they are about to start. The details are still unknown.
    I don't know yet, but it doesn't seem to be a rumor.
    I think so.
    カレー党 reacted to and commented on
    When I had to run away, I couldn't escape, and I did it completely. I will expose it for the sake of commandment.
    2/3 of this year's profits disappeared
    Almost all of this year's profits have disappeared from the Moomoo Securities Account
    Furthermore, FX also suffered huge losses in Mexican pesos
    I was optimistic because I didn't think stocks, dollars, and Mexican pesos would fall this far. Also, listening to the opinions of various people, such as YouTubers, etc., and blurred in the investment style was also a major factor
    Right now I'm in no position going to Disney with my family, playing golf, and getting refreshed
    From now on I only believe in charts
    News is also the minimum necessary
    Keep in mind and walk away from investing for a while until it completely falls and converts to an upward trend
    July results
    カレー党 reacted to
    I'm not feeling well after putting on the vacuum, so when I lay down and watch the video
    “It's coming ❗️ prepare for the big crash ❗️”
    “NVIDEA will end this year at one full time”
    “Institutional investors have invested and transferred large sums of money to further companies than NVIDEA”
    The fear and concern incitement system has earned browsing ⁉️
    It was posted on the thumbnail
    It has nothing to do with that, but it's a YouTube commercial
    At the end of the guide to the books that save Japan by Mr. Fuji ◯ Iwao ◯ (list of orthodox theories, if you follow it as a test), that's fine
    It's like if you buy a high-priced book, it's depressing to your eyes and nose every day
    Complaint email sent
    Everyone is rooting for you 📣
    ✴️ NVIDEA ✴️‼️ go for it ‼️
    Also, it had a huge impact on Japanese stocks
    Can you give it to me ‼️ Honestly, this year was tough with twists and turns until this summer
    August 28th is by no means an exaggeration
    Hold on to NVIDEA's financial results for this term
    You'll drink it and pay attention ‼️ genuinely
    I'm rooting for you 📣
    ✴️ NVIDEA ✴️ continues to grow
    ✴️ NVIDEA ✴️ continues to grow
    Today 8/23 is the Aroon Oscillator.
    The upper limit bar has been exceeded, so the ceiling sign is on right now. This is the second after MACD Mk2.
    The 5MA has leveled off at the 37950 level. If it doesn't rise again from here, around 38000 will be the support line.
    When 38000 is broken, it becomes a falling 5MA cross, and it is a development that pushes for a moment.
    Above is a 75MA 38600 that has been pushed back at the tip.
    It's strong in spite of the sharp drop in NY yesterday (NASDAQ in particular). The rest is up to Mr. Ueda...
    8/23 Featured Charts
    カレー党 commented on
    This article uses automatic translation for some of its parts
    The U.S. Department of Labor Statistics (BLS) announced on the 21st that there is a possibility that the increase in the number of workers in the past year was 28% less than announced. The current correction was drastic for the first time in 15 years, and there is a possibility that the actual state of the economy has weakened more than expected, and although it was pointed out that the Fed's interest rate cut, which is certain to start in September, took a backseat, the market reaction was weak.
    The US stock index rose across the board on the 21st, the S&P 500 index rose 0.42%, the Dow rose 0.14%, and the US small cap index and chip stock index rose 1% or more. US bond yields also continued to fall (bond prices rose), $U.S. 2-Year Treasury Notes Yield (US2Y.BD)$It dropped to close to 11 basis points.
    Suggests a drastic slowdown in the labor market
    On the 21st, the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the US Department of Labor announced the estimated value of annual revisions for employment statistics for 2024, and the total number of US non-farm payers for 1 year until 2024/3 was 0.818 million, a downward revision of 0.5%.
    There was already a strong sense of deceleration in the US labor market, but the actual situation shows that it has cooled down even more.
    The official revised value is 25/1...
    The number of people employed in the US non-farm sector has been drastically revised downward, so why is the market still watching?
    The number of people employed in the US non-farm sector has been drastically revised downward, so why is the market still watching?
    The number of people employed in the US non-farm sector has been drastically revised downward, so why is the market still watching?
    From the figures presented
    Fewer numerical indices will be late tonight on the 21st ⁉️
    It seems that it will be announced, but...
    As a result, there is a possibility that the yen will appreciate again
    I think Talk to the day after tomorrow
    It's out of place, but overseas during the long period of depreciation of the yen
    Institutional investors trade yen carry
    I've been making money ⁉️ but recently
    It seems that they are starting with dollar carry ❓ aiming for high interest rates in emerging countries. Furthermore, the Federal Reserve
    If they decide to cut interest rates, they will increasingly
    Bring it in. That's why the Japanese yen was a convenient tool 😭 For the Bank of Japan's interest rate hike
    There must have been some impatience.
    But ‼️ every day, the market is ⤴️⤵️ heavy in turbulence ‼️ Date trading people due to rough price movements
    It makes me tired. The recession has already started, the second bottom is coming, and deep wounds aren't easy to heal, 2025 is a time lag
    A recession is coming...
    If it comes, come ❗️ if you get to the bottom, go, and then all that's left is to look up and crawl up ‼️ but when the big crash of the Lehman class comes, market participants are disappointed with the daily ups and downs
    I don't understand at all, etc.
    Of fear, anxiety, concern, and incitement
    Never go right and left for video and social media broadcasters...
    カレー党 liked and commented on
    As mentioned in the headline, Japanese stocks finally regained their composure on the 15th.
    The reason is that volatility has declined.
    It was before 10 a.m., but it dropped to 26.75.
    First, the red card was on until it reached 30 or less, but it finally dropped to the yellow level. Furthermore, personally, I think 25-27 is the upper limit area of the market price that has settled down, so it's good that we divided it by 27.
    On top of that, today it was announced that real GDP for the 2nd quarter turned positive for the first time in 2 quarters. I think this gave me an even more immediate sense of security.
    Real GDP from April to June increased at an annual rate of 3.1%, and private consumption and capital investment were positive
    There is also a view that there is still a negative rebound increase in the 1st quarter, so it won't be that big of an increase, and since I think the expected value of Japanese stocks is in the 36500 yen to 37,000 yen zone in the first place, it is possible that the market price has finally stabilized since entering here.
    While the bleeding in Japanese stocks has stopped and is recovering little by little, rice retail sales will come out today at 21:30 on the night of the 15th. Moved since the day before yesterday...
    The Japanese market has regained its composure!
    The Japanese market has regained its composure!
    カレー党 commented on
    Hello Moomoo users!Thank you very much for your hard work. Today's stock price summary is as follows. Thank you in advance.
    ●The Nikkei Average ended at 36726.64 yen, 284.21 yen higher than the previous business day
    ● Digital Minister Kono and Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Saito are motivated to run for the presidential election and “don't hesitate” to run for the prime minister
    ● Sudden decline in credit buybacks, frequent further evidence due to stock crashes - “There are many damaged individuals”
    ● Partnership talks with Intel break down with SoftBank G and AI semiconductors = FT
    ● Megabanks such as Mitsubishi UFJ are drastically high, GDP market predictions are rising, and interest rate hike scenario awareness ◇
    ● The rise in shipping stocks is conspicuous, and repurchases of high-dividend stocks and rising container ship freight market conditions are tailwind ◇
    ● Attention to the handle: $SoftBank Group (9984.JP)$ $Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group (8306.JP)$ $Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (7011.JP)$ $Mizuho Financial Group (8411.JP)$,...
    Tokyo market summary: Nikkei average continues to grow for 4 days, SoftBank G breaks down partnership talks with Intel over AI semiconductors = FT
    Tokyo market summary: Nikkei average continues to grow for 4 days, SoftBank G breaks down partnership talks with Intel over AI semiconductors = FT