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ナンピンキラー Private ID: 182817021
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    ナンピンキラー commented on and voted
    After closing the US stock market on 5/22 (morning of the 23rd Japan time), NVIDIAFirst quarter of fiscal year 2025We are planning to announce financial results.
    Representative of the AI (artificial intelligence) boomAttention is being paid to what kind of results the company's financial results will have and how the entire market will respond. On the next trading day after financial results are announcedClosing price of NVIDIA sharesPlease predict and vote!
    ● 5,000 points distributed evenly
    May 23 at 10 p.m. (Japan time)By,NVIDIA's closing price for 5/23 (5:00 a.m. on the 24th Japan time)Anticipate and select the price range below. If the actual closing price falls within the price range you voted for, points will be distributed evenly among users who voted for that price range (for example, 50 users can each earn 100 points if they make accurate predictions!).
    [Exclusive 500 yen Amazon gift card]
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    May 23 at 10:30 p.m. (Japan time)By,NVIDIA's closing price on 5/23Anticipate and post (e.g., “The closing price will be $950...
    [Bonus available] Get benefits by predicting the closing price after Nvidia's Q1 financial results are announced!
    To the 3 users whose predictions for the closing price of the S&P 500 index at the end of 2023 were close to the actual closing price,1000 yen Amazon gift cardI will give it as a present.
    [How to participate]
    Japan timeUntil 23:59 p.m. on 12/29On, 12/30'sPredict the closing price of the S&P 500, please post! (Example: the closing price is expected to be $5,000).
    To all Moo users
    While the US stock market in 2023 is facing complex changes such as the global economy and monetary policy,Effects of the generative AI boomIt was a year that greatly boosted the average stock price. On the delicate balance of inflation, interest rates, and economic growth, a strong upward trend was formed in the US stock market. While experiencing periods of optimism and pessimism throughout the year, going forwardFederal Reserve System (Fed)Attention is drawn to its actions and its impact on the economy as a whole.
    Before the beginning of 2024, let's take a break and forecast the closing price of the S&P 500 in 2023. The new year is just around the corner. Everyone'sHopes and aspirations, and the year so farReflections I have looked back on, expectations for myself in the future, etc.Let's also share it with each other....
    [2023 Review] Get benefits: What is the closing price of the S&P 500 Index at the end of 2023?
    [2023 Review] Get benefits: What is the closing price of the S&P 500 Index at the end of 2023?
    iPhone sales recorded a record high for the July-September fiscal year and reached a record high in service business sales
    Apple today announced financial results for the fourth quarter of the company's fiscal year 2023, which ends on 2023/9/30. Sales for the quarter were $89.5 billion, down 1 percent from the same period last year. Diluted earnings per share for the quarter were $1.46, up 13 percent year over year.
    “Today, I'm pleased to report that Apple recorded the highest sales record for the July-September fiscal year for the iPhone fiscal year ending, and that sales in the service business also reached a record high. This year marks the holiday season with the strongest lineup ever, including the iPhone 15 lineup and Apple's first carbon-neutral Apple Watch model. The new Apple Watch is also a major step forward in Apple's efforts to make all Apple products carbon neutral by 2030,” said Apple CEO (Chief Executive Officer) Tim Cook.
    “Apple's EcoSys...
    wow! 🤩
    Yay! 🤓