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ファースト Private ID: 181238175
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    I am struggling with the timing of purchasing my own residence.
    The current situation in Japan involves the soaring housing prices (especially condominiums) and the possibility of the Bank of Japan's easing policy correction, leading to high risks of price declines and rising housing loan interest rates.
    While Japanese stocks are also rising, it feels like both are mainly due to the Bank of Japan's monetary easing policy and the weakening yen, diverging from the actual economy.
    It is expected that within a few years, the easing policy will be corrected, interest rates will rise, the yen will appreciate, overseas funds will withdraw, and both Japanese stocks and housing prices will begin to decrease significantly.
    If you are considering purchasing a residence and taking out a mortgage, you may want to wait a little longer (you can wait for about another 10 years due to your age). You may think it's best to wait until housing prices drop significantly, but there is no guarantee that prices will decrease. Therefore, you may also be considering buying while mortgage interest rates are low, and you are feeling conflicted.
    Could I hear app feedback from Mr. Buffett Taro?
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