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三都過客 Male ID: 181359098
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    First NEV manufacturer to reach 5 million units
    Last 8/9, China's largest NEV manufacturer $BYD COMPANY (01211.HK)$The 5 millionth NEV “Denza (Denza) N7” was released from the (1211) production line. It took 13 years until the cumulative production volume of the company's NEVs reached 1 million units, but it was an event of about a year and a half from 1 million units to a cumulative total of 3 million units, and only 9 months from 3 million units to a cumulative total of 5 million units. Before we catch a glimpse of the company's strength, which marked the milestone of producing 5 million units for the first time as an NEV manufacturer, I would like to look back on the company's 23/6 interim financial results.
    In the company's interim financial results for the fiscal year ending 23/6, sales were 26,124 million yuan, up 72.7% from the same period last year, and net profit was 10.954 billion yuan, up 2 times from the same period last year. Although sales exceeded market expectations, net profit fell slightly below market expectations. NEV sales for the fiscal year ended 23/1-6 were 1,25,600 units, up 95.8% from the same period last year, of which 74,300 units were for overseas markets (55,900 units for the full fiscal year 2022). Prices in the Chinese EV market...
    Chinese NEV manufacturer repainting the world passenger car map ~ Part 2: BYD that won't take a step back against Tesla ~
    Chinese NEV manufacturer repainting the world passenger car map ~ Part 2: BYD that won't take a step back against Tesla ~
    Chinese NEV manufacturer repainting the world passenger car map ~ Part 2: BYD that won't take a step back against Tesla ~
    It showed a price increase of about 20% from the beginning of the year to the end of July $S&P 500 Index (.SPX.US)$The index completely reversed in August, and the adjustment color was strengthened. Currently (as of 9/22), it has fallen about 10% from the 52-lap high. At the US-September meeting held last week, as expected by most people, the US policy interest rate remained unchanged at 5.25-5.50%. Meanwhile, looking at the “dot chart,” which FOMC members think is an appropriate policy interest rate level, the policy interest rate forecast (median) as of the end of 24 was 5.1%, raised 0.5% from the previous announcement in June. FOMC members' hawkish stance that the US policy interest rate would remain unchanged in the 5% range over the next year or more was greatly disgusted, and both the S&P 500 Index and the Nasdaq Composite Index centered on high-tech stocks continued to fall for 3 weeks.
    While the thorough monetary tightening stance by Federal Reserve Chairman Powell casts a shadow on the US stock market, the topic of the factset entitled “The S&P 500 Index will rise 19% over the next 12 months” (9/22) is quite interesting. According to the same topic, according to market analysts' predictions, the S&P 500 Index will last for the next 12 months...
    Will the S&P 500 Index rise 19% over the next 12 months?
    Will the S&P 500 Index rise 19% over the next 12 months?
    Will the S&P 500 Index rise 19% over the next 12 months?
    At Jackson Hole, Chairman Powell clearly suggested maintaining the direction of interest rate hikes, and ECB President Lagarde depended on the data. The conclusions of the Federal Reserve and the ECB, which were struggling with the final rate hike, were divided.
    Chairman Powell stated at the beginning and conclusion that “there is work left to be done in the Fed,” and emphasized the need for current interest rate hikes. However, it was also stated that interest rate hikes will be carried out carefully, and it is impossible to confirm with certainty the interest rate hike in September. Chairman Powell once again clearly stated that the price target is core PCE, and explained the three elements (goods, rent, and others). Core PCE fell to 4.3% from its peak of 5.4% last year. Although a peak out of inflation was confirmed, it was far from the target of 2%, and goods fell, but rents were declining due to interest rate sensitivity. Wages were the other main cause, and a weak labor market and an economy below the potential growth rate were necessary. They are stuck to the 2% inflation target, and interest rate cuts are unlikely until the core PCE 2% is visible.
    Meanwhile, ECB President Lagarde depends on data on monetary policy, but there seems to be a high possibility that interest rate hikes will be suspended. Inflationary pressure is weak in the EU...
    米国雇用統計(8月)は、労働市場の需給緩和を確認した内容です。失業率は3.8%で、前月(3.5%)よりも上がりました。しかし、2022年に4%を割り込んで以来のレンジ(3.4-3.8%)の範囲内です。1年前は、3.7%でした。非農業部門雇用者数は18.7万人です。これも平凡な数字です。労働人口167百万人からすれば、劇的なものではありません。平均時給は4.3%増加 平均週給は4%増加と予想通りです。
    NVIDIA's stock price evolved after financial results were announced. The entire market also plummeted. Apparently QT (quantitative tightening), which began in June last year, has begun to take effect. The background is that government deposits, which had continued to decline due to the debt ceiling issue, have been revived, and absorption from private sector deposits has begun. Even with the same money, government deposits do not lend themselves to loans, and private sector deposits are the source of loans. In short, the presence or absence of credit leverage is different. If QT starts to work, the rise will be suppressed, and it is inevitable that the stock market as a whole will become heavy.
    Jackson Hole Schedule: ① Federal Reserve Chairman Powell's Lecture (Structural Transformation of the World Economy) at 8:05 a.m. on the 25th (11:05 p.m. today), ② ECB President Lagarde's speech (Europe and the World Economy) at 1:00 p.m. on the 25th (Tokyo tomorrow at 4:00 a.m.), ③ Bank of Japan Governor Ueda Panel Discussion (inflection point of globalization) at 10:25 a.m. on the 26th (Tokyo 27th 1:25 a.m.)
    Yesterday's PMI (Purchasing Managers Index) for the US, EU (Germany+France), and the UK were all weak, which made me recognize that economic sacrifices will be attached to overcoming inflation. In the EU region, not only manufacturing, but also service industries are not good. Germany's exports to China fell sharply to ▲ 6.2% compared to the previous year due to the division between the US and China, and the southern European tourism industry, which is the main force of the latter, has also exceeded its limits due to overtourism and labor shortages. Therefore, Germany has weak numbers for the first time in 3 years, and Buddha also has weak numbers for the first time in 2 and a half years.
    Executive Director Lane, the ECB's chief economist and second only to President Lagarde, stated that “even if demand is artificially lowered, it is not drastic, and it is fine to the extent that it falls below supply,” and it is predicted that interest rates will not be raised in September. The UK is also at a low level for the first time in two and a half years, which foreshadows negative growth in the 3rd quarter. The US is also weak for the first time in six months.
    It is thought that the sharp rise in US bonds yesterday was due to a movement to consolidate positions ahead of Jackson Hole. There was no choice but to short cover long-term US bonds, which had been sold due to the strength of the US economy, considering that they had already been sold quite a bit, that interest rate hikes were in the final phase, and that real interest rates were positive...
    The Richmond Fed President brought up a scenario for re-acceleration of the US economy on the 22nd. Although they also warned that “if the inflation rate remains high and demand does not give a signal, it will be necessary to tighten monetary policy,” with regard to the US bond market, they expressed the view that “recent movements in bond yields are not a sign of inappropriate market tightening, and there is a high possibility that they are a response to strong economic indicators.” This is reasonable based on recent strong economic indicators and the Atlanta Fed's high GDP now (5.8%). The Fed has probably begun to see even a recession, let alone the Nolan Deink scenario, as suspicious. Currently, it seems that there is no choice but to temporarily eliminate the interest rate cut scenario. Nevertheless, the market consensus for interest rate hikes is one more time.
    That gap will probably be adjusted by making the high interest rate maintenance period reasonably long. 2-year bonds have been added to 5%. If you take into account the fact that the terminal rate of FF interest rates is 5.5-5.75%, it is difficult to achieve the 2% inflation target, and that the period for maintaining high interest rates will be quite long, it is unavoidable that it will be sold up to around 5.5%. There is no choice but to search for long-term interest rate levels adapted to new short-term debt levels...
    Main trends last week (US 7/28 to 8/3)
    In the US stock market up to 8/3, the three major indices all declined compared to last weekend. The Dow Jones Industrial Average and the S&P 500 fell for the first time in 4 weeks, and the Nasdaq Composite Index fell for the first time in 2 weeks. On the evening of the 1st, rating giant Fitch lowered the rating of US bonds by 1 step from the top “triple A” to “double A plus,” concerns about upward pressure on long-term interest rates associated with the increase in government bonds by the US Treasury suddenly attracted attention, and risk-off movements took precedence. The 10-year bond yield, which is an indicator of long-term interest rates, temporarily reached a high level in the first half of the 4.1% range for the first time in about 9 months. Prior to the downgrade of US bonds by Fitch, the US June CPI (consumer price index) and June PCE (personal consumption expenditure) all fell below market expectations, the inflation slowdown trend became even clearer, and observations of the “soft landing theory” of the US economy spread. It seems that market sentiment completely changed due to the US debt downgrade shock. While the major sectors of the S&P 500 were completely depreciating compared to last weekend, the public service sector, which is sensitive to rising interest rates, dropped to the top with a price drop of ▲3.52% compared to the previous weekend, the IT sector was ▲2.81 percent, the general consumer goods sector was ▲2.64...