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Do you believe in Cathie Wood?
Wall Street's star stock picker has seen her fortunes wane over the past year as her flagship tech innovation fund slid more than 50%, losing $13 billion in market value.
Wood, one of the few prominent female fund managers on Wall Street, is facing one of the greatest challenges of her professional career: how to show the world that she is simply more than the face of what some are calling the pandemic bubble...
Wall Street's star stock picker has seen her fortunes wane over the past year as her flagship tech innovation fund slid more than 50%, losing $13 billion in market value.
Wood, one of the few prominent female fund managers on Wall Street, is facing one of the greatest challenges of her professional career: how to show the world that she is simply more than the face of what some are calling the pandemic bubble...
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$Clover Health (CLOV.US)$ guys remember if interest rate goes up,all insurance company will benefit!!!don't sell,buy more!!!
$Advanced Micro Devices (AMD.US)$ stock was flat in extended trading after the company announced revenue and earnings that beat Wall Street’s already high expectations for the chipmaker. One highlight was AMD’s embedded segment for server CPUs and game console chips which was up 176% year-over-year to $1.28 billion. AMD revenue was up 45% in 2020, and the company said it expects 37% revenue growth in 2021. Come and see what happened in the Q4 2020 earnings call! ...