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康庄大道 Private ID: 102986587
一位股市的好息之徒,还希望可以财息兼收😘 一边收股息,一边等股价增值📈 ✨成长型 收息股✨
    Free Cash Flow Free Cash Flow is more important than EPS
    Avoid companies with one-time contracts unless they can get repeat orders from the same customer
    🤩 Growth stocks in the teenage years generally come from rapidly growing small and medium-sized enterprises, but companies pay fewer dividends
    🤑 Stable companies in the middle age, from rapid growth to stable profits, are usually blue-chip stocks that pay high dividends
    Buy/sell stocks
    🎯 Preparation> Find 5 ⭐ Businesses Worth Investing In
    🎯 Persevere > Be patient and wait for the stock you want to buy to drop to the highest point
    🎯 Careful > When the adjustment is close to a low point, buy quickly and in 5 batches at different prices
    🎯 Preparation> During a period close to the peak of the bull market, or when the stock price rises above the intrinsic value
    🎯 Persevere > Be patient and wait for the best time to sell
    🎯 Be relent> When the bull market is close to its peak, sell all of your stocks in 5 batches at different prices quickly
    $Broadcom(AVGO.US)$, which has soared 52% this year, will officially implement a 10-for-1 stock split plan after market close on July 12th (this Friday). This move follows $NVIDIA(NVDA.US)$, another major AI player, and has sparked market speculation.
    Let's compare the recent stock trends of NVIDIA and Broadcom. From the announcement to the actual split, NVIDIA's share price jumped about 27%, and it has risen an additi...
    Broadcom follows NVIDIA's lead in stock split. What's the aftermarket outlook?
    Broadcom follows NVIDIA's lead in stock split. What's the aftermarket outlook?
    Broadcom follows NVIDIA's lead in stock split. What's the aftermarket outlook?
    Net cash company is relatively low risk
    Other than finance and utilities, which are forced to have a bunch of debts, companies in other industries [cash] ➖ [debt] are better net cash
    Right people ~ Honest management is important. It is best for the majority shareholders of management to hold at least 20% of the shares
    It's best to focus on investing in 5 high-quality companies, spread them out in different industries, then work diligently to track the status of the companies you own, and decide whether to keep holding or selling them.
    ✨ The more successful investors are, the less they buy and sell ✨
    Being burnt to the point where the stock market is often overactive. Speculators look at price lists and can't sleep well. Frequent trading only brings mental stress and puts your body in a tight state that endangers your health. If you can earn that little bit, why bother?
    When value investors wait patiently for their wealth to increase, they have plenty of time to do their favorite activities, such as reading, exercising, spending time with family and friends, etc.
    Short-term investors need to bear the pressure of rising and falling stock prices, and the pressure is also very harmful to health.
    ✨ If you can buy it is an apprentice, only if you can sell it is a master ✨
    Long-term investments are not a lifetime; they are just long-term growth. Long-term holding. When the stock market is fervent, the stock price rises too fast, PE is more than 25 times, and the stock price is seriously overvalued, it is a good time to sell.
    If the company's performance deteriorates, the performance will not improve in the future; or if the performance QoQ does not grow/the QoQ ratio declines, the shares must be sold out.
    ✨ Investing in dividend stocks is a conservative safe bet...
    ✨ Buy when stocks are undervalued and sell when stocks are overvalued ✨
    Value investing is about waiting patiently; on the other hand, most people are impatient. If everyone were to choose
    1) Eat a piece of cake right away
    2) Eat 3 pieces of cake after 5 days
    I believe most people would choose 1), if they want to have fun in time
    ✨ Defending is a low risk investment ✨
    Use the power of compound interest and use time to reach the wealth of dripping water through stones and gathering sand into towers
    Value investing can assume that you have enough money to buy a large share in the company. Are you willing to buy it? If the answer is yes, then this company is worth buying.
    ✨ Don't do it if you're not familiar with the business ✨
    Stocks are similar to business. You should only buy familiar stocks to earn money within your circle of ability.
    Investing in stocks means doing business with others. You must not invest in stocks with the mentality of making quick money; otherwise, it will be difficult to make money
    🤩 Characteristics of excellent companies
    ✅ Profit margin over 20%
    ✅ ROE 10% or more
    ✅ Have free cash flow
    ✅ Higher dividend rate than bank FD
    ✅ The top 30 shareholders hold more than 75% of the shares
    In past history, financial turmoil broke out about every 10 years.
    When the media spreads good news about the economy, we should leave the scene quickly. Because the stock market is already very close to a high point, it can't be cold at a high place.
    ✨ When pessimistic news floods the media, it's close to the time to buy ✨
    ✨ Money is not an emergency ✨
    Investing in stocks is like running a long distance marathon. You need to follow the steps and maintain a certain speed.
    Slow is fast, fast is slow.
    It's faster to take it slow 😉
    Becoming rich in the stock market requires focusing on EQ emotional intelligence, because the biggest fatal injury to investing is losing money by buying high and selling low due to greed and fear.
    As soon as the stock market falls, they doubt life. If they are in a hurry, they sell shares at cheap prices, so it is difficult to accumulate wealth.
    Don't blindly believe the target price given by IB; think like an entrepreneur; you are a smart investor.
    The winners in the stock market rely on vision and use their heads. They never get rich by listening to experts or hearing what they hear.
    ✨ Banking and insurance benefit from inflation ✨
    Real estate increases in value, new owners borrow more money from financial institutions, and also have to pay higher insurance premiums
    Banks' cash comes from depositors, and insurance companies come from premium premiums levied.
    Bank is the mother of all industries. As long as the economy is prosperous, the performance of banks and insurance companies will not be poor.
    📈 When bank interest rates are low, money will flow out of banks to the stock market & real estate
    📉 When bank interest rates are high, the stock market will fall, and money will flow to banks for FD
    ✨ Profit growth is the driving force for stocks to rise ✨
    We need to have the investment mentality that buying stocks is tantamount to participating in someone else's business; it's just that we can't participate in the company's daily life.
    Household goods companies in the consumer industry are generally less affected by the economic cycle, because regardless of whether the economy is good or bad, people still need to buy daily necessities.
    We should avoid similar products/services that are similar and have no differences. Customers will only compare that price discount, resulting in fierce competition and meager profits.
    ✨ It's best if it's a monopoly market product ✨
    🎯 Economic moat
    ✅ Patents
    ✅ The license is limited, and it is difficult to apply
    ✅ Monopolize markets, such as hydropower
    ✅ Cost advantage, higher production efficiency than others, lower cost
    ✅ Difficult to replace, products/services can be seen/used everywhere
    Cyclical industries, such as planting, metals, semiconductors, automobiles, industry, etc., will have high and low levels.
    When the PE of cyclical stocks is very low, it may be the high point of the cycle.
    ✨ Don't invest in companies you don't know ✨
    Focus on studying specific industries to find industries that lack competitors and niche markets.
    A company's single customer contributes more than 50% of its turnover, which is a risk. If a major customer reduces orders because the outlook is not optimistic, or if a major customer chooses another supplier, it will have a big impact on the company.
    Don't keep an eye on offers; be afraid of missing out on trading opportunities. The speculative mood fluctuates as stock prices rise and fall; even if there are mountain delicacies, it is tasteless to eat.
    ✨ I'd rather miss it than make a mistake ✨
    Follow up on the public with fundamental analysis...
    We should do what we can, focus on investing in a few stocks we understand, don't be greedy, throw fishing nets everywhere, want to embrace left and right, and make all the money in the stock market.
    A stock portfolio that is too fragmented cannot bring high returns. We should focus on investing in no more than five ⭐ stocks, preferably from different industries, to reduce risk.
    You must read the QR and AR reports carefully when they come out.
    ✨ One minute of cultivation, one point of harvest ✨
    Pies don't fall from the sky for no reason. If you want to invest and get rich, you have to work hard to do your homework. You must never think that the tips given by others are accurate, and rely on them to develop.
    If you have the right mindset and work hard to study the fundamentals of the enterprise, you will definitely be richly rewarded.
    ✨ Invest and get rich, don't be impetuous, have whimsical dreams and become rich overnight ✨
    There are no shortcuts to investing and becoming rich; you must step by step. Over time, you will definitely reach the end.
    Don't use a gambling mentality to invest in stocks. You may be blessed for a moment, speculate successfully, expand yourself, and bad luck later, and it will be easy to throw back everything you've earned.
    ✨ Flowers don't have a hundred days of red, people don't have a thousand days of good ✨
    Good luck cannot last a lifetime; if you don't wake up in time, you will fall sooner or later.
    There are no shortcuts to investing; getting rich overnight is a fantasy. Don't believe in secrets that can be developed in the short term; instead, you should follow the steps and slowly accumulate wealth.
    Real value investors welcome the arrival of a bear market, provided they have plenty of cash, because at this point they can drop to the ground without much effort...
    ✨ Invest not to become rich overnight, but to slowly accumulate wealth ✨
    We should think backwards and not go with the crowd and go with the flow. When everyone agreed on the stocks we bought, in fact, the stocks we bought were probably overvalued and no longer cheap and beautiful.
    When the stock market is bustling and people are flocking to buy in for fear of missing out on opportunities, we must rationally sell stocks and leave the market.
    When a bear market hits, everyone is afraid to sell. We should keep up the deal, boldly buy undervalued high-quality stocks, and then hold them for a long time.
    ✨ Never let greed and fear influence investment decisions ✨
    Long-term investment is not about holding for a long time; from a business perspective, we only need to buy a few 5-star companies that we can understand, have stable growth in performance, and have moats.
    If the stock price overreflects the value of the company now/in the next few years, or if the company has deteriorated, you should sell/stop losing.
    ✨ Rome wasn't built in a day; I want to go to heaven one step at a time ✨
    Investors usually seldom trade, but once they take action, they all return home with a full load.
    The benefit of value investing is that it lasts a long time. Famous investment masters all live longer than 90 years.
    The main reason is that value investment focuses on patience, and investment results take a long time to prepare, so these investment gurus have peace of mind on a daily basis, have few ups and downs, and have no pressure, which indirectly brings the benefits of longevity.
    As you build up your wealth, you also have plenty of time to do your favorite activities, such as reading, exercising, spending time with your family, etc.
    If they are short-term speculators, they need to bear the pressure brought about by rising and falling stock prices, and the stress is very harmful to health.
    Stock investing is a joint venture with others. We must take it seriously. We must be interested in investing. If we have the mentality of making quick money, it is difficult to earn huge wealth in the investment field.
    You can only become rich by investing for a long time
    Buy when undervalued, sell when overvalued
    Many shareholders are eager to develop as soon as possible, so when they are young, they use aggressive short-term investment methods, thinking that being young is the capital, and even if they fall, they still have plenty of time to stand up.
    If you want to get rich, you must follow the steps, stick to aggressive long-term investment principles, and fantasize about getting to heaven one step at a time
    If you are an older investor, capital protection is more important. The ideal way to invest is to buy blue-chip stocks that pay generous dividends year after year