try hsrder

more good years to Singapore -economic , mental & physical & security wellbeing of all . and also a better more lively stock exchange $SGX (S68.SG)$ , supported by strong defense & financial network $ST Engineering (S63.SG)$ $DBS (D05.SG)$ $OCBC Bank (O39.SG)$ . a more kind & cohesive society
congrats to moomoo . a good platform for learning . also many interesting items and promotions to encourage people to invest even if its a small amount . thanks to moomoo i was able to practice “ paper trading “ before i do real trade with money . keep it up 👍
AI can help to improve lives and trading skills . $Microsoft (MSFT.US)$ , $NVIDIA (NVDA.US)$ are now in my watch list to potentially invest for AI related and AI-related products services , service and product suppliers that will benefit . for long term growth and capital gains . AI will also spur more intense usage of computing power which means data centres will continue to be in hogh demand so $Mapletree Ind Tr (ME8U.SG)$ would be a good choice for dividend income .
2022- not much spare bullets left to start with after using up a sizable chunk in 2021. In 2022 - added Visa $Visa (V.US)$ tiny size ( accirding to my comfort level) when market drop in october $180 levels . also took a first trade on $Adobe (ADBE.US)$ below $300. exited $Enterprise Products (EPD.US)$ in mid 2022 -for about 15-18% gains for 1 year of holding - not counting yet the 6% dividend yield . started one entry on $TRACKER FUND OF HONG KONG (02800.HK)$ in march 2022 and initiated mont...
i dont think there is really much coorelation . i would think for 2022 workscup , stock matkets might drop just before openimg match traders will take some money off the table to focus on match watching . this coincides with year end whej traders close position for year end vacation . markets will probably pick up after world cup and in january .