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101580595 Private ID: 101580595
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    Friday, August 27, 2021
    By Jimmy
    Top upgrades and downgrades on 8/27
    Top upgrades and downgrades on 8/27
    Top upgrades and downgrades on 8/27
    While the market continues its bullish advance (why not with $120b in QE), the divergences between price and other internal indicators continue to widen. Another trip to the 50-dma would be a near 3% crash, and a decline in the 200-dma (which hasn’t happened for one of the longest spans in 40-years) would be a 10% disaster.
    The market grinds higher and hits an air pocket around the 15th of each month. It then quickly recovers and grinds higher again. The dips and surges all occur between the 14th and 19th of each month, corresponding with options expiration dates.  Liquidity is poor, as witnessed by light trading volumes, so heavier than usual options-related trade activity is driving price action on those days.
    The market is increasingly being driven higher by fewer stocks, which means the market is almost completely out if juice. The Labor Day weekend could be its final push....
    Stocks rose on Friday heading for a winning week as Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell prepared the markets for the central bank to pull back on some of its monetary stimulus, saying it’s likely to start tapering its $120 billion in monthly bond purchases this year.
    The Dow Jones Industrial Average gained 0.6%, to 35,455.80. The S&P 500 rose 0.8% to hit a new high and closed at 4,509.37. The Nasdaq Composite added 1.2%, also hitting a new record during the session, closing at 15,129.50.
    S&P 500 Movers for Friday (8/27)
    To put it bluntly: in earlier times, it was easier to control one million people than to physically kill one million people; today, it is infinitely easier to kill one million people than to control one million people.
    For the first time in human history almost all of humanity is politically activated, politically conscious and politically interactive. An essential element to a true awakening is investigating and learning for ourselves. Realizing the powers that be are powerful minions, more interested in weakening and subjugating humanity via health degradation, dumbed down education, mindless “bread and circus” government controlled media, depraved violence and sex oriented entertainment, and a draconian militarized police crackdown. The ugly truth then comes to the fore. Volumes of evidence points to not just control, but literal depopulation motives. Is this shadow force literally that Machiavellian? Another major issue is that it’s more evident by the day that our very health is under attack, again by complicit government and multinational corporations pushing GMOs, adulterated food, vaccines, pharmaceuticals, atmospheric aerosols, genetic alterations and the like, all of which are clearly extremely hazardous to humanity. Yet they push harder by the day, mandating program after destructive program. If you knew your home was under attack and malevolent forces were coming for you and your children, you w...
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