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101587863 Private ID: 101587863
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    Hey mooers,
    How are you doing?
    We’ve invited two moomoo product managers to introduce themselves to you in the last two weeks. They shared some of their product philosophy and stories behind the scenes. How did you find their stories and product philosophy?
    We are inspired by your brilliant ideas and feedback. The moomoo PM team is working hard to meet your expectations!
    Feel free to share your opinions with us on our App anytime via "Moo – Streams - Moo Features - #Talk to PM". We aim to provide you with the best experiences and are looking forward to your feedback.

    Ladies and gentlemen, today we have our 3rd guest here!
    A big hand to moomoo product manager Jason!
    Host: Hi Jason, welcome to join us! What did you bring us today?
    PM Jason: I would like to introduce a feature called "Unusual Activity" of US options. It presents the latest block orders filled in the options market. Investors may make good use of it and predict the price trends of US stock options.
                      "Unuaual Activity" of US Options
    Host: What makes this feature stand out?
    PM Jason: You know before we presented this function with the UI design shown above, there were all kinds of displays for the same feature in the market. The interesting thing is, after we did it this way, all market players followed us, and now their Apps for the function basically look the same as ours. LOL.
    Host: Hahaha, so funny. So you did some pioneering work for the industry!
    PM Jason: I'd like to be the first to do something. As moomoo PMs, we need to be as innovative as possible because our products are among the best in the industry and often imitated by others. We will keep developing and launching original products to become the model of the industry.
    Host: Would you like to share your key "product philosophy" with us?
    PM Jason: For me, the essential one is to closely observe the changes in people's daily lives. Small changes in people's daily routines, technological advances, and the birth of a new industry could all profoundly impact users' investment preferences. Art comes from life, so does a great product.
    Thank you, Jason! Let's hear it for our special guest, Jason!

    Like this article, if you enjoy PM Jason's sharings!
    Feel free to comment below to let us know if you have any suggestions for the "Talk to PM" program.
    Recap for previous episodes of moomoo Product Stories>>
    PM George: The “Investment Rush Hour” made me become a product manager.
    PM Jane: The super power I wish to have is mind reading!
    moomoo Product Story Ep3: "Art comes from life, so does a great product"
    In the previous article, we talked about the definition and history of blockchain. This time, let's focus on the interesting NFT.
    Introduction to NFT
    A non-fungible token (NFT) is a unit of data stored on a digital ledger, called a blockchain, that certifies a digital asset to be unique and therefore not interchangeable. NFTs can be used to represent items such as photos, videos, audio, and other types of digital files. While copies of these digital items are available for anyone to obtain, NFTs are tracked on blockchains to provide the owner with a proof of ownership that is separate from copyright.
    What is the 'digital art' NFT?
    What is the 'digital art' NFT?
    Hey mooers,
    "None of us wanted to release it at the end. It was as though we knew that once it was out of our hands, it wouldn't be ours anymore", said Steve Jobs at the releasing conference of Macintosh. He, one of the greatest product managers in the world, talked about his feelings for his product: it is like his baby. 
    This time, we invited 5 moomoo product managers to share the features they designed & stories behind the scene. At the end of the event, you are invited to vote for your favorite feature, and honor it with "My Favorite moomoo Feature award " for the first volume.
    Who ganna be awarded?You decide!
    What's more, we've created a zone at "Moo Feature - Talk to PM" for all of you to reach out to moomoo product managers and give us feedback, which can be your thoughts, suggestions, and opinions. ALL moomoo Product Managers will be available there.
    moomoo Product Manager George: the “Investment Rush Hour” made me become a product manager.
    Host: Hi George, you...look familiar.
    George: Haha I don't look like George the pig. We just share the same name. But we do have something in common in terms of personality. We are both dedicated to what we love. For me, I'm passionate about making user-friendly features that can deliver optimal service.
    Host: Could you please briefly introduce yourself to our audience?
    George: Hey guys. I'm George, a moomoo product manager. It's a great opportunity to meet you here. I look forward to communicating more with you, send me your thoughts on the products. Basically, I majored in Finance, and I have been an active trader since college. I had a lot of fun from trading, so I was thinking about combining my hobby with my career when looking for a job. One desirable option is to become a product manager of a nice trading app! Luckily, I passed all rounds of tests and interviews and finally became a moomoo product manager!
    Host: Tell us about the features you designed!
    George: I bring 2 features this time. They are very important for me because they are the first features I created in my life. One is the "Real-time Asset Analysis" feature and the other is “Batch Closing” feature.
    The "Asset Analysis" function is familiar, but what makes mine unique is that its Real-Time. As for the "Batch Closing" feature, it enables users to clear all the assets through a single tap, which is quite helpful when the market changes drastically and all actions are needed in a second to stop loss (profit).
                              Real-time Asset Analysis Feature
                                  Batch Closing Feature
    Host: Sounds cool! And these two features seem to be related, how did you come up with the ideas?
    George: Yeah, they are related. I was desperate to materialize them because I experienced some "rush hours" in trading when I was a student. Those personal experiences made me better understand what traders really need.
    You know there was a time when the stock market plummeted and my yield plunged from the highest 90% to a mere 20%. As a long-term full position and leveraged investor, I knew I must control the risk, so I set a stop-loss point of 10% yield to clear all positions to protect myself.
    That day looked like just another ordinary day when the HSI fell more than 300 points in a few minutes. I rushed to check my asset analysis to see how much my yield left. Luckily there was still 15%. But soon I realized that this rate was actually the data of the last settlement day, which were 2 days ago, and my actual yield must have been lower than 10%, or even became negative.
    So I started liquidating right away, but I had to place orders one by one because I had many positions. When I liquidated all my positions, the HSI dropped another 300 points.
    I had hoped there was a feature which could enable me to liquidate all positions at one shot, and I would have not panicked if my asset analysis reflected my real-time profit & loss.
    When I joined the moomoo product team, I sensed a very open-minded atmosphere where PMs were encouraged to make proposals from users' perspectives. And proposals were evaluated quite efficiently. The key was to convince the team that your proposal was a "Users' Real Demand". Then rounds of discussions followed, different tools were used and many high level managers got involved for my features. And finally they were there!
    By the way, the "Batch Closing" feature is not available on IOS system yet, but will be available soon.
    Host: It's thrilling! And was there anything interesting when you were designing thes features?
    George: When designing the function entrance, we originally had several plans. It's not a feature that users use every day, but we still need to ensure user experience. So our team had quite a few rounds of discussions to find the best way to do it. Finally, we decided to move it to the upper right corner instead of making it so obvious as we worried it might guide users to take it as a shortcut and close their positions frequently, which may hurt them. "Never try to change the user behavior" , my supervisor told me. I was deeply touched by the team’s continuous pursuit of perfection in user experience.
    Host: Any words to our users?
    George: Umm...I hope all of you would enjoy using the "real-time asset analysis” feature and let me know if you feel there can be any improvement.
    The "Batch Closing" feature is like an insurance policy. We make it readily accessible so that your mind can be at ease. However, we also hope that no one is ever actually gonna use it.
    Thank you George for all your sharing!
    Tap and jump to "Talk to PM" zone and send your ideas, thoughts and feedbacks to George.
    $Futu Holdings Ltd(FUTU.US)$
    Vote for PM George if you like his feature and story!
    moomoo Product Story Ep1: The “Investment Rush Hour” made me become a product manager.
    moomoo Product Story Ep1: The “Investment Rush Hour” made me become a product manager.
    moomoo Product Story Ep1: The “Investment Rush Hour” made me become a product manager.
    101587863 commented on
    $WallStreetBets(LIST2555.US)$ $Four Seasons Education(FEDU.US)$
    16 mil float, with 15million allocated for a share buy back.  The float will disappear.  on the move now
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