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良好股民 Male ID: 101591331
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    $HKEX (00388.HK)$ 技巧一:关于止损和止赢的问题。
    我个人觉得这是很重要的交易习惯。 止赢和止损的设定对散户股民,来说尤为重要。 交易之前就严格,设定一个固定的亏损率,到达位置严格认赔执行。 这一要求主要穿小鞋喜欢短炒买卖的朋友,严格控制止损幅度,以免短炒变长线,长线变深套!
    有的股民总想最低价买入而最高价卖出,我认为那几乎是不可能做得到的。 有这个想法的散户大概率不是一个“股市明白人”。 只有主力才会通过资金优势去计画股价涨跌到何种程度,但主力也不能完全控制走势,何况你我散户。
    联想是什么? 我想说的是,根据市场的某个热门消息,展开联想,获得短线收益。 一般主流龙头股往往被游资迅速拉至涨停,短线高手往往都追不上,这时候,往往联想能给你意外惊喜。 联想不仅适合短线,中长线联动也可以选择同板块进行投资。
    良好股民 liked and commented on
    $Tesla (TSLA.US)$ Tesla's electric semi-trailer has officially been approved for delivery. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has confirmed that the agency has evaluated the SEMI and issued a certificate of compliance for commercial use.
    In early October, Tesla CEO Elon Musk announced that the Semi would begin deliveries on December 1. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency stated that the 2023 Tesla Semi has officially received a certificate of compliance, which was issued on September 29 and is valid until December 31, 2023. The EPA has confirmed that the SEMI will be included in the list of qualified heavy-duty vehicles in January 2023.
    $Nasdaq Composite Index (.IXIC.US)$ 1技术面上看纳斯达克期货只要突破11729这个位置,接下来突破20天线顺水乘舟,从磁力点的角度看,11729这个位置对于向上突破的力量也具有很大的吸引力,20天线往往是一个比较可靠的的牛熊转换点。
    2 从纳指的历史波动率来看,结合本周重要数据已经其它几只即将出财报的龙头股历史波动率,有数据表面市场正在押注波动率下降,即押注接下来纳指会向下走,其原理是通过押注标的股票期权的隐含波动率下降来实现
    3 波动率的被兑现需要提前押注的事件落地作为催化剂,包括但不限于周三尾盘的微软财报和谷歌财报以及随后重要经济数据,关键看市场押注的是哪一个点

    4 趋势指标是落后指标,隐含波动率是领先指标,当这两种指标背离之时,需要谨慎
    5 建议等20天线被确认突破入场,并且要做好调仓准备
    良好股民 liked and commented on
    $Tesla (TSLA.US)$ $E-mini NASDAQ 100 Futures(DEC4) (NQmain.US)$ 今天大盘低开低走,反弹趋势不会很大,看盘尾拉伸力度
    $Amazon (AMZN.US)$ Amazon is facing a collective lawsuit in the United Kingdom, accused of using a 'secret' algorithm to abuse its dominant position in the online marketplace. According to the law firm Hausfeld, responsible for the case, Amazon hides more favorable trades by using a 'secret and self-serving algorithm' in the Buy Box feature, thereby causing millions of customers to pay higher prices. Hausfeld claims that, according to economists' estimates, potential consumer losses could reach as high as 0.9 billion British pounds.
    $Tesla (TSLA.US)$ The entire network is now discussing whether the recent downturn in the electric vehicle sector is a trap or an opportunity, and I will share my own views.
    First of all, Tesla (TSLA.US) recently released a new financial report, showing that it was 0.5 million units short of the annual target at the end of the third quarter, but Musk still has great confidence in completing the annual mission. After all, Tesla's China factory can deliver in a matter of weeks, which has led to some speculation, such as price cuts...
    Of course, even if his confidence is considered boasting, the Model Q may be released next year, with a price range targeting the advantages of the Chinese brand byd company limited (002594.SZ) in the range of 100k-200k (including some mainstream models of second-tier new forces). Although some people may not find Tesla's space and interior details satisfactory, as someone who has driven both Tesla and domestic new energy vehicles, if the price falls within the same range, Tesla will outperform any domestic new energy vehicle. This is without considering the situation next year when subsidies are expected to be reduced (Tesla does not rely on subsidies). Of course, if you are a friend in government agencies, you may not choose Tesla. Once the competition is real, it would be similar to the situation with Xiaomi in the past two years, where you attack my low-end, and I strive for the high-end. Success or failure is unpredictable, so it is understandable to sell off a portion of your position as a hedge. For example, a well-known fund manager sold out his new energy positions yesterday and made some adjustments to sectors he has been in for many years. It's the fourth quarter, and the fund manager doesn't need to take this risk....
    良好股民 commented on
    Usually, it takes me at least 30 minutes fooling around in the commoonity to gather enough memes for one episode of moohumor. 
    But this week is different. 
    Because of Musk's public statements and $Tesla (TSLA.US)$ 's insane stock price, memes are everywhere in the commoonity. And most of them have something to do with Elon Musk.
    I salute Elon Musk for being the best meme generator I have ever had. 
    @Ong Ah Huat Ah:
    @MONIIICAAA: just started investing @ $Tesla (TSLA.US)$
    MooHumor: Thank you, Elon
    MooHumor: Thank you, Elon
    MooHumor: Thank you, Elon