Bull Run OP 102723372 : This is what the Shortist wish and those act follow blindly always don't know when they sell and buy will lose money
Bull Run OP 银河寻梦人 : Selectively buy in of different stage of dips. Don't buy in one lumpsum as stagger buy in to lower the risk and cost
Bull Run OP 102723372 : Syndicate short it as previously risen too much, their short thinking more rooms of lows can be pressed down.
Bull Run OP vclow 那些年。。。 : Pls study the company growth every year!
Bull Run OP : Keep buying at lows stages for Ifast due to Shortist short sell
Bull Run OP : Must have Deep pockets to fight
Bull Run OP : time for 7.3+~7.4
Bull Run OP : Cheaper and cheaper, fish stage 7.2+
Bull Run OP : Standby fish stage 7.1+
Bull Run OP 104269015 : Shortist kicked in sell short so that they can buy back at lows if investors panicked sell scare by the lower price drop. Don't be fooled by them, I will keep collecting in different stages little by little.
Bull Run OP : Madness selling