101648402 OP 不当韭菜呜呜呜 : It's okay like this
101648402 OP 102875548 : 期货汇率赚的吧 业务好像不行
101648402 OP : I've been holding on to this for 4 months now, it dropped for no reason.. It didn't go up much and dropped back down in just one day.
101648402 OP Jxzzxx : 3.20
101648402 OP 金融消费者 : 我有多餘錢肯定掃貨
101648402 OP 不当韭菜呜呜呜 : It's okay like this
101648402 OP 102875548 : 期货汇率赚的吧 业务好像不行