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abiremo2006 Male ID: 101686052
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    $Seatrium (S51.SG)$ Stock code Y5VR is represents Rights (Sembcorp Marine).
    Y5VR is tradeable, which customers can buy/ sell in the market during trading period (31/8 – 8/9). Rights purchase from market will subject to commissions/ fees.

    Customers who entitled the rights can sell to the market if they do not wish to exercise the rights. In the other hand, customer who are not entitled for the rights can buy from the market. 

    Please be reminded that rights will lapse with no value if they are not exercised or sold.
    If you wish to exercise the rights ( the originally entitlement/ purchase from the market), please send us your instruction by 8/9/2021.
    Default option ( No action) will apply if we do not receive instruction from you.  ...
    $SembMarine R (Y5VR.SG)$ is this Y5VR stock is the rights? and will that be automatically converted to main stock after 8th September? or do we have to pay for these stocks later if we want to get it converted to main stock?
    $Seatrium (S51.SG)$ seems like we don't necessarily need to buy this share claiming rights for 8cents🤣🤣
    $Seatrium (S51.SG)$ really bro🙄🙄🤣🤣
    $Seatrium (S51.SG)$ how and when we will be able to subscribe for the rights @8 cents.
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