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101715928 Private ID: 101715928
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    101715928 commented on
    You should not have a personal mandate on how many stocks you hold. You will restrict what you can do.
    Imagine you tell yourself to only hold 10 stocks. One day another stock suddenly become a great bargain what will you do? Liquidate an existing stock just to add this bargain? When that liquidated stock could be a bargain as well.
    Instead, another way is you could add this great bargain too to your portfolio (if you have spare cash). Then have a plan after that to trim holdings maybe? Like if it run up 50% with no apparent reason can consider to sell and add more to your current holdings.
    The thing is, don't be jealous about those people who all in on one stock and it become a multi-bagger. There are a lot of people who did the same but see their holdings get wiped out. Most are no longer on this forum also anyway since once you wipe out your money you are unlikely to continue investing anymore.
    If you throw all your money into one stock but lose sleep then its not worth also. Definitely if you diversify more then your overall portfolio will only be at best growing slowly since if one stock suddenly run up your overall portfolio gets pulled back by the laggards. But at least its steady?
    Always remember to DYODD....
    101715928 liked and commented on
    Options, the English term for '期权'. It aims to increase personal profits based on the principle of leverage. Simply put, it's about risking a small amount to gain big.
    Unusual options activity, the English term for '期权异动'. Unusual options activity refers to a large volume of trades occurring within a short period, leading to a significant surge or drop in options/stocks. Unlike stocks, all options trades are publicly disclosed and displayed on the options chain. By observing unusual options activity on the options chain, we can determine the potential surge/drop in stocks.
    Since the majority of unusual options activity is driven by institutions, who possess sufficient information, thorough research, and substantial funds to make purchases, basing stock price predictions on the direction of unusual options activity can be somewhat helpful.
    These anomalies occur within a very short timeframe. By tracking/following unusual options activity, it provides us with a reference for potential 'surges/drops' in the stock market.
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