$Allianz Income and Growth MDis (LU0943347566.MF)$
Below is the detailed analysis of “Allianz Income and Growth fund”performance, focusing on its dividend yield, investment composition, and potential risks and returns. Here's a breakdown of the key points:
Name and Performance: The fund is known for high dividend yield. However, it's noted that despite being named for both "income" and "growth," the fund's net asset value (NAV) has not appreciated since its launch in...
Below is the detailed analysis of “Allianz Income and Growth fund”performance, focusing on its dividend yield, investment composition, and potential risks and returns. Here's a breakdown of the key points:
Name and Performance: The fund is known for high dividend yield. However, it's noted that despite being named for both "income" and "growth," the fund's net asset value (NAV) has not appreciated since its launch in...
VineetKumarGupta OP 72464866 : You need to define what you mean by good investment ? What’s your time horizon for the investment ? How much drawdown you are willing to accept on invested amount ? Then you can zero in on an investment.
VineetKumarGupta OP 72464866 : Consistent dividend along with growth in NAV is matter of chance.
In my opinion, a young or middle age person shall focus on growth in NAV. An old person may find dividend a better option.
Do remember, unit trust dividend is paid out from NAV and is entirely different to stock dividend.
Typically equity can be volatile for 4-5 years. In case you are lucky, you may make more money viz. investing from the covid crash till so far.
In my humble opinion, next few years shall belong to debt and one can make decent money with a reasonable appreciation in NAV and with low risk.
I have invested in PIMCO GIS Income fund via Endowus and getting decent monthly dividend with small increase in NAV. This unit trust is less volatile than Allianz and investment is in solely investment grade bonds.
Hope this helps.
VineetKumarGupta OP 72464866 : I will suggest not to buy TLT as there is currency risk. Pimco GIS income has sgd hedged option and hence you know, what to expect in terms of returns and is the reason to invest in bonds.
I have no idea about SPYI. On checking I found it runs some strategies to generate returns. Normally I avoid such investments as they can be as risky as equity.
Do remember, any dividends paid by these ETFs will be subjected to 30% withholding tax for Singapore resident.