I started trading in my early twenties because surprise, surprise, my Chinese educated mom who only has a secondary school education is trading shares online! I made many mistakes at the beginning. Things like naked shorting, accidentally buying when I meant to sell, selling the same stock twice due to carelessness.
Then I went on to a stage of not caring about my stocks to the point that I have even forgotten buying them until I held...
Then I went on to a stage of not caring about my stocks to the point that I have even forgotten buying them until I held...
Decided to enter positions into $Meta Platforms (FB.US)$ because I purchased an Occulus Quest 2 this year. It is my first foray into VR gaming and I believe it is set to bring VR to more people. The company is definitely moving in the right direction. I'm very excited to see the coming developments!
The entry is more important than the exit. So buy when people panic and wait to sell.
There is limited redemption each day. I couldn't load the stock card earlier and now it has hit the limit...
autotomy OP MonkeyGee : No, she doesn't have a YouTube channel.