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101831997 Male ID: 101831997
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    $GameStop(GME.US)$   Just to share the great potential with GME and AMC. i have taken profit earlier and im going back in again. Buy and hold tor the Moon.
    101831997 commented on
    Do we have a bottom? Are we really reversing now? Bulls seem to have this in their pocket. But wait! There are some things you need to watch out for before a confirmation of the next bull rally! Watch the video to find out now!
    This next move will determine the move for all the stocks tagged here.
    As always trade safe and invest wise!
    Subscribe to my YouTube channel for your weekly market outlook and technical analysis videos!
    $E-mini S&P 500 Futures(SEP4)(ESmain.US)$ $E-mini NASDAQ 100 Futures(SEP4)(NQmain.US)$ $E-mini Dow Futures(SEP4)(YMmain.US)$ $S&P 500 Index(.SPX.US)$ $NASDAQ 100 Index(.NDX.US)$ $Dow Jones Industrial Average(.DJI.US)$ $SPDR Dow Jones Industrial Average Trust(DIA.US)$ $SPDR S&P 500 ETF(SPY.US)$ $Invesco QQQ Trust(QQQ.US)$ $Microsoft(MSFT.US)$ $Tesla(TSLA.US)$ $Apple(AAPL.US)$ $Meta Platforms(FB.US)$ $Advanced Micro Devices(AMD.US)$ $NVIDIA(NVDA.US)$ $Palantir(PLTR.US)$
    101831997 commented on
    What are we to expect from FOMC today? 25BP is what I know the FEDs want as they can't service their current and future debts with high interest rates. But 50BP I feel might be their move as inflation has yet to peak despite all the promises since 2021. Let's see tonight.
    Yields have inversed on the 7yr and $Cboe Interest Rate 10 Year T Note(.TNX.US)$ and the spread between the 2yr and 10yr is getting tighter signalling incoming inverse curve which I have been warning since 16th Jan. Yesterday ...
    101831997 liked and commented on
    This year so far has been a very fruitful year. and it's only been 3 months!
    This week will also be a very interesting one. Whether you are on the bull or bear side, your portfolio will show if you are on the right side.
    Capitulation is coming. Many new investors again will get another shock on why their favourite stocks still keep selling off like there is no end.
    Is the bear market really here?! With the recent news of war, inflation, FED's decision for interest rate hikes, commodities spik...
    101831997 commented on
    Are we about to get a double bottom or a new low?! It's all pointing to one outcome and only one. new lows. do watch the video to understand more. don't be stubborn and go against the trend. it's the fastest way to lose your money.
    we are very close to a bottom and the end of the correction. catalyst is stated in the video. watch to find out. price targets for the correction conclusion is also stated so you know what levels to start buying in at.
    stocks tagged inside all has their technical ...
    Are we reversing? huge pump yesterday. but falling again today! Those who do not know what is going on will get confused. And many will fall into the trap created by the smart money.
    question would be, which is the real trap? bear or bull trap?! my bias hasn't changed and I have explained them all in the video below. so take your time and listen through why I am so firm on the analysis. Data don't lie.
    Don't go against the trend.
    As always, trade safe and invest wise!
    Subscribe to my YouTube ...
    Nice to see you all again! Welcome back to Talk to PM, where share your thoughts with product managers~
    Just a quick question!
    Part I: Recap of the lovely moomoo PM stories
    We interviewed five moomoo PMs this season to talk about themselves and their products. Do you like them?  Did you ask them any questions? Please feel free to leave your comments below!
    We had PM George. He is passionate about user-friendly features and strives to deliver the best services to our mooers. His personal experiences made him to understand the underlying needs of mooers better.
    We had PM Jane. She constantly optimizes the features as if she is polishing diamonds.
    PM Jason believed that “Art comes from life, so does a great product.” The secret of developing an excellent product is to capture the small changes in our daily lives. Our competitiveness lies in the pursuit of innovation.
    We had our "Leopard," PM Arlene. She is a highly efficient PM who pursues the ultimate user experience and quickly responds to the request of others.
    Last but not least, we had PM Ivy, who claimed herself as the "guardian" of Moo. She loves freedom and advocates that all mooers are free to talk, share, and connect in our community. We will always be there for each other, and together we are one.
    If you want to talk to our PMs, you will find them in the "Talk to PM" zone (under the "Moo Features"). Don't hesitate to share your opinions and new ideas with us!
    Part II: Awarding and Thanks Moment
    The time has come to award our dedicated mooers. Congrats to the following winners!
    Innovation Reward: 10,000 points! for the innovative mooers!
    @Moo to Moon FTWYour suggestions are  fantastic!
    " Communication issue with CS agents;
    a lists to show moomoo related accounts;
    a system can track the "Discussions" with rewards
    the new referrer can know his/her referee ID/name
    buttons with info in the app." View more...
    @winblessingYou really think out of the box, man! Keep up the good work!
    "more accurate diluted costs;
    profit picture truly reflects the costs and commission fee."
    View more...
    Pragmatic Suggestion Reward: 10,000 points! for the practical mooers!
    @Dadacaiis an advanced user of Moo who offered in-depth suggestions. You are totally qualified for the Senior user badge.
    "HK and CHN market guide in respective markets;
    able to copy the URL of individual video tutorials;
    courses searchable;
    rules and functions available of paper trade futures;
    video tutorial is created for Money Plus." View more...
    @Mars MoooPlease continue to provide us with valuable product feedback. Maybe we can give you a special badge? Would you like it?
    " interest on cash balance;
    treasures box event held quarterly;
    Sub-account for Fractional tradings for US stocks, ETFs, ENTs;
    Zero fees for trading US stocks and ETFs;
    Portable moomoo trading platform without installation."
    View more...
    Valid suggestion Reward:
    Congratulations to all mooers who participated in this event! All mooers who posted their suggestions in the Talk to PM zone will get 177 points. We do appreciate all your sincere and precious ideas! Please continue to offer them.
    Note: Rewards will be distributed within this week. Please feel free to contact us if there is any question.
    Part III: Superpower of mooers:  changes are happenning
    We appreciate all your great insights! Let's read the top comments!
    Your supperpower is working!
    @apkiong: Can crypto trading happen in moomoo?
    PM George: Crypto trading is under planning, we will let you knoe when it is launched.
    @protraderx: Is "Batch Closing" safe?
    PM George: Yes, it is. We have done some measures, like trading password confirm and the confirmation pop-up window.
    Currently, we can only choose ONE order type for ALL selected stocks at each batch closing submission. The defaults order type is market type, but you also can choose the limit type with the latest price.
    More about batch closing>>Click here
    @Syuee: How to apply moomoo widget on Apple devices?
    PM Arlene: we have already developed ios Widget for mooers,  you can view this article to add widgets on your apple devices>> View more...
    @Dadacai: Can a vedio tutorial be created for the new poduct Money Plus?
    PM pannpan: Thanks for your advice in our products. Our video is still in production, we'll try our bests to finish it as soon as possible.
    @mooboo: Can I sell covered calls on shares I already own?
    PM George: We're currently working on offering option strategy capabilities to Universal Account users. A roughly estimated time would be Q1 2022.
    What a great image! We hope your superpower will come true in moomoo!
    "the superpower I wish I had would be the power to create world Peace I would be called The peacemaker with just a snap of my fingers they would be world peace and then no need for superpowers because everybody would get along this Halloween and everything would be wonderful world peace would be great"
    More sweat words worth spreading!
    "awesome insights, and also brought new ideas. very interesting. Myself personally became homeless during the pandemic over a clerical error, and trying to learn new things on the market and find this platform especially beneficial. thank all of you."
    “At present, I am learning to review, master more knowledge, and share more papers and experiences.  Everyone is not professional at the beginning.  You must study hard and understand carefully before majoring!  In the moomoo community, you can master a lot of information and communicate with moomoo friends.  I'm still a beginner, I hope everyone will work hard and stick to it. Just get my free stock from loving moomoo. Thank you.”

    Maybe the superpower you want to have in the real world is still far away, but at least you have the superpower to change moomoo! We value every piece of your feedback. Your ideas and opinions do matter to us. Now changes are happening within moomoo. Can you see them? Let's look forwad to a better moomoo!
    Talk to PM: Every mooer has a superpower
    Talk to PM: Every mooer has a superpower
    Talk to PM: Every mooer has a superpower
    On the fourth Thursday in November every year, we gather with our families, eat turkey, watch football and gear up for Black Friday. 
    Thanksgiving is a time for food, friends and family. It's also a time to pause, reflect on our lives and think about what we're thankful for.
    The question we want to ask you on this Thanksgiving day is--What are you grateful for during your investing journey? Is it your supporting family? Your investing pals? Your profittable stock? A book you read? Maybe a guru? The list goes on and on. There are so many things that we appreciate and feel grateful deep down in our heart. Why don't you take this chance to say a big thank-you now!? Join the topic discussion #For this, I am grateful and get rewards!
    Say thanks to your "tendies"
    What stocks are you most thankful for this year? Or on the contrary, which stocks teach you a lesson? Be it success or setback, there's always a reason for us to be grateful because it made us grow stonger and become more experienced in investing.
    Be grateful for your supporting family and friends
    Trading or investing is never an easy job. Thankfully, our family or friends provides emotional support during challenging time, encouragement along investing life's twists and turns, and the comfort of being understood and accepted for what you want to do with life.
    Appreciate "strangers" that give a helping hand
    Do you have a guru that guides you at the beginning of your investing journey? Do you find any book that's helpful for you to make a decision? There are countless online lessons and books you can turn to when you are at a loss. Which one do you want to express your thanks to?
    Don't forget to thank yourself
    By the time we decided to invest and started to learn from the ground up, we made a brave decision and hard choice. Don't forget that we are a courageous man/ woman and we should feel thankful for that.
    All the things money can’t buy: No matter how your portfolio or individual stock does, it’s important to remember that the best things in life are free. Holidays and spending time with family tends to prove that to us, and it’s something we should be thankful for every day, no matter what the market is doing.
    Share your blessings and get reward now!
    5 best posts will get 1,888 points;
    10 featured posts will get 888 points;
    All participants will get 88 points.
    Duration: Now – Nov. 29, 11:59 PM (ET)
    1. Only relevant posts and those add topic #For this, I am grateful count. (Please post under the topic.)
    2. Minimum word requirement: 50 words
    3. Winners will be announced on Dec. 2nd.
    Thank you, and best of luck to all of our trading or investing endeavors. Do forget to attach a picture of your thanksgiving dinner while joining the the topic here #For this, I am grateful
    For This, I am Grateful