跟着我一起飞 OP 101513278 : When the deadline is too close, it cannot be sold, and there are no buyers.
跟着我一起飞 OP Dreaming Cat : That's right, when the mother falls, the child falls too.
跟着我一起飞 OP 跟着我一起飞 OP : Only by investing in small stocks can one make big money; in recent years, buying the mother stock has already lost 45%. It was only out of necessity that warrants were purchased.
跟着我一起飞 OP Leong0610 : They do not have sugar-free options.
跟着我一起飞 OP 马中美亚年104504841 : Investment Institutions may be investing under the government's orders.
跟着我一起飞 OP 不吃鱼 : It is best for Banks to step in and provide support, just like in China.
跟着我一起飞 OP 定投一块富 : If the USA Sector falls, the outcome will be different.
跟着我一起飞 OP 定投一块富 : PCHEM will drop 0.50 again, and the wheel certificate must drop between 0.005 to 0.01.
跟着我一起飞 OP 定投一块富 : Personally, it is believed that PCHEM should not see a significant rise tomorrow, so the warrants should not change.