Valerie Tee
If you look into the company's past 3-5 years revenue, net income, dividend yield etc, it is actually doing good. Of course, now the price is lower due to the pandemic. Now, you have to question yourself if this company can rebounce and grow further after the pandemic. And to find out the business model and economic moat of this company, then you will know why I think it is undervalued now. :)
Valerie Tee OP buttercup127 : If you look into the company's past 3-5 years revenue, net income, dividend yield etc, it is actually doing good. Of course, now the price is lower due to the pandemic. Now, you have to question yourself if this company can rebounce and grow further after the pandemic. And to find out the business model and economic moat of this company, then you will know why I think it is undervalued now. :)
Valerie Tee OP KelvinWong : missed the price at 2.xx that time. but yeap.