$MUIPROP (3913.MY)$
target price: 0.46/0.475/0.49
support: 0.43/0.415
DISCLAIMER: This post is for learning and education purposes only. Please trade at your own risk.
target price: 0.46/0.475/0.49
support: 0.43/0.415
DISCLAIMER: This post is for learning and education purposes only. Please trade at your own risk.
$SEAL (4286.MY)$
let's go let's go
let's go let's go
$SEAL (4286.MY)$
target price: 0.835/0.855/0.87
support: 0.78/0.76
DISCLAIMER: This post is for learning and education purposes only. Please trade at your own risk.
target price: 0.835/0.855/0.87
support: 0.78/0.76
DISCLAIMER: This post is for learning and education purposes only. Please trade at your own risk.
$BETA (0263.MY)$
resistance: 0.455/0.47/0.485
entry: 0.43 -0.44
support: 0.41/0 .42
DISCLAIMER: This post is for learning and education purposes only. Please trade at your own risk.
resistance: 0.455/0.47/0.485
entry: 0.43 -0.44
support: 0.41/0 .42
DISCLAIMER: This post is for learning and education purposes only. Please trade at your own risk.
Next resistance : 0.27/0.285/0.3
support 0.23/0.24
support 0.23/0.24
$M&G (5078.MY)$
resistance: 0.395/0.41/0.425
entry: 0.365 -0.375
support: 0.345/0.355
DISCLAIMER: This post is for learning and education purposes only. Please trade at your own risk.
resistance: 0.395/0.41/0.425
entry: 0.365 -0.375
support: 0.345/0.355
DISCLAIMER: This post is for learning and education purposes only. Please trade at your own risk.
$SMETRIC (0203.MY)$
TP done. Let's go higher 🚀🚀🚀
TP done. Let's go higher 🚀🚀🚀
$PEKAT (0233.MY)$
target price: 0.945/0.96/0.975
stop loss: 0.88/0.865
DISCLAIMER: This post is for learning and education purposes only. Please trade at your own risk.
target price: 0.945/0.96/0.975
stop loss: 0.88/0.865
DISCLAIMER: This post is for learning and education purposes only. Please trade at your own risk.
$SMETRIC (0203.MY)$
target price: 0.23/0.24
stop loss: 0.2
DISCLAIMER: This post is for learning and education purposes only. Please trade at your own risk.
target price: 0.23/0.24
stop loss: 0.2
DISCLAIMER: This post is for learning and education purposes only. Please trade at your own risk.