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plus 338 Male ID: 102145357
不动如山!rat poison squared
    Don't lament your luck like a woman. If your first and second chances aren't favored by fate, you can still find the reason for your loss and win in your third chance. Don't spend more time with your wife or stay at your mother's house; men aren't made for comfort.
    1. 复利创造奇迹。
    2. 虽然都想一夜暴富,但想真正提高收益率很难。安心接受现实,想办法拉长复利作用的时间。
    3. 长期持有宽基指数,收益率也能战胜通胀,并战胜大多数投资者。
    4. 长期收益战胜市场的十分罕见,公开可信的记录显示,只有巴菲特及一些奉行价值投资的“格雷厄姆的门徒”做到了。
    5. 即便长期收益率能战胜市场,仍然不免短期经受巨大的波动。
    6. 价值投资虽然慢,但这是唯一确定能指引到达终点的方法。
    The main reasons why large funds are not outperforming the index include:
    1. Collective decision-making. Investments where everyone participates in decision-making must only achieve an average value; it is impossible to achieve excellence; 2. The mentality of following the crowd. Follow the trend and maintain similar investment portfolios to other large institutions; 3. Institutional restrictions. The consequence of fund managers' maverick behavior is that if they earn money they don't have much profit, and if they lose money, they have to take responsibility, so they still stick to the middle path; 4. Diversify your investments. Failure to focus on high-quality assets will inevitably reduce returns; 5. Inertia.
    Any industry is not progressing along a straight line, but is progressing along the “double S curve.” The fault between the two S curves represents a leap in technological development. Whether it can overcome this discontinuity is related to the life and death of the enterprise.
    The pursuit of the best is the most professional pursuit of pure knowledge, just like no matter how beautiful the clouds are, she won't know why she is so beautiful? The dark clouds obscure the sun, but the dark clouds don't know why they are blocking the sun.
    On luxury cruises, rooms with artificial windows cost around $20,000 a week. For a long time,DisneyLuxury cruises have always had two types of guest rooms, one with a window and one without a window. The one with a window is cheaper. Those without windows, but those with artificial windows are more expensive. Not having a window is not bad; on the contrary, it's better. Actually, it's just a matter of trade-off. The architect who criticized me is a wooden head, has no knack at all, and is definitely not saved. When it comes to architectural design, of course, there are trade-offs.
    In order to leave more space for interaction, and to make it easier for teachers and students from different majors to learn from each other, we abandoned the windows in some rooms. Abandoning the windows in some rooms, our dormitory can accommodate more students, and our dormitory can provide plenty of public space for communication.
    Some rooms don't have windows, but the air is very fresh, and we designed artificial windows to perfectly simulate the effects of sunlight exposure.
    As Kipling said in his poem, "they are all illusions." There is day and night. Is there anything you can't stand? No. Sometimes it's night, sometimes it's day. Sometimes it's a boom, sometimes it's a recession. I always believe that I should try my best and persevere to the end.