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seik Female ID: 102172433
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    I'm influenced by data, not opinions. I hope others are also affected by the data. I acknowledge that learning to read stock market-related data is both an art and a science. But that being said, if the data shows favorable and the timing is favorable, I can invest with confidence, and if the data becomes unfavorable, I can confidently sell. I may be wrong, I may be wrong, but I'm always right. I try not to hold on to the losers and keep my winners going for a long time. Stop it...
    The biggest 1H drop
    No matter how much humanity wants to stop or intervene, history always repeats itself. Whether it's the virus, natural or man-made disasters, the stock market, economic boom or downturn, whether we like it or not, it's a cycle that repeats itself. Last week, I watched Sid Rose's Supernatural channel, where a prophet of God shared how God told him in 2021 that 2022 would be a bear market year. If we all knew what to predict or what the future would bring, we wouldn't be caught off guard. I...
    I had $1 on my account at the beginning of the year, but now it's $1,200. But how long do you work? 🤣
    Is it time to adjust your fund investment plan?
    Definitely one. It's foolish not to change our plans based on the economic situation. If your previous plans don't work, change your plans. Isn't it time to be stubborn. Being stubborn won't do you any good. How has your fund performed in the past six months following the reversal of US dollar interest rates and the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict? It's bad for my portfolio. However, I changed my plans because...
    Economic recession?
    After the outbreak of the global pandemic crisis in '19, countries printed banknotes one after another to restore their energy, which triggered world inflation. World inflation was followed by an economic recession. How can we invest in a recession? I changed my investment plan to sideways trading. Buy on dips and sell sideways. I traded all my stocks sideways. The two things you need to listen to are the Federal Reserve's meetings and the professional analysis you need to read when you post on the bottom. Now when should I...
    Don't take out loans to buy cryptocurrencies, this is stupid.
    I saw a post saying that a person borrowed a sum of money to buy a password because now it seems like the deal is a good deal. It's a great price, and if you have your own money to invest, borrow money from a bank to invest in crypto, even if it has a low annual interest rate, this isn't recommended and you shouldn't do it. Losing your own money might sound terrible, but imagine losing money you borrowed and eventually you have to pay it back. A simple quote that everyone has heard more than a dozen times; don't...
    Unlock the power supply
    Looks like the bear market is about to begin. The squad leader entered step by step. Don't let your purchasing power sleep.
    Investing in value stocks (necessities of life) in the international market, regular fixed purchases, and medium- to long-term investment plans will not catch you off guard when the market is close to economic recovery... and can also bring income with long-term benefits.
    The bear fought back!
    It's a trap! June was the grand premiere of “The Bear Infestation Trilogy - The Bear Strikes Back”.
    Learn your lessons, underestimate bears, and bear the consequences. I'm furious right now, but I hope my moo friends have a better life than me.
    Keep calm and stay sane, guys!