Investing is a constant effort, always make sure you save as much as possible, transfer those saving to an asset that you have the most conviction in, where you are unaffected by the market’s volatility, for me is Tesla. Then all you have to do is buy in every time you have chance . No need to time the market, just buy and invest every single month without fail. Do that and you can achieve financial independence for sure.
OPWayne Hammie
I understand , I feel you honestly. No worries bro, no need to be Tesla per se, just find stocks that you believe in , can be apple or NiO or Starbucks and etc. So long it’s a company that u believe in and can diamond hands through even with the volatility.You got this bro
Naythanal OP : Investing is a constant effort, always make sure you save as much as possible, transfer those saving to an asset that you have the most conviction in, where you are unaffected by the market’s volatility, for me is Tesla. Then all you have to do is buy in every time you have chance . No need to time the market, just buy and invest every single month without fail. Do that and you can achieve financial independence for sure.
Naythanal OP Wayne Hammie : ^
Naythanal OP Wayne Hammie : I understand , I feel you honestly. No worries bro, no need to be Tesla per se, just find stocks that you believe in , can be apple or NiO or Starbucks and etc. So long it’s a company that u believe in and can diamond hands through even with the volatility.You got this bro