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MQ102427430 Private ID: 102427430
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    When I was young, stock trading wasn't as convenient as it is today, and people didn't know that much about it!
    But my father has a one-size-fits-all principle, which is that no matter what investment is made, capital must be properly allocated.
    We can use the one-third long-term, one-third short-term, and one-third reserve method to increase positions! The first time a position is opened, the maximum number of positions is placed, and each time the position is added thereafter, the number of positions is reduced sequentially compared to the previous one.
    第一个苹果手机是女儿送我的iPhone 7plus,至今已经用了快5年了还是一样好用!除了电池稍微有点不耐其他基本没问题,和刚到手的新机一样 @Kiki__Ke $Apple(AAPL.US)$ 
    My first iPhone is iPhone 7plus that my daughter gave me as a birthday present. And now it’s still good to use even almost 5 years already. I love Apple
    In the previous article, you learned about the important SEC filings and how they could assist trading decisions. But when you download the files and first open the documents, you could be surprised by the size of them, which can often be in excess of 100 pages.
    However, all of these filings are divided into easy-to-understand sections in order to make them easier to follow, and here are some tips on how you can fast-read SEC filings.
    Sections of SEC filings...
    How to quickly spot key information in SEC filings?
    How to quickly spot key information in SEC filings?
    How to quickly spot key information in SEC filings?
    MQ102427430 reacted to
    My story with Apple began with the first iTouch 12 years ago! It was the first Apple product in my life. I started it in order to be able to import electronic txt and read novels anytime!
    Although time has changed so easily, there are better Apple products to replace them, but this one is still treasured in my desk drawer, and it still works $Apple(AAPL.US)$ 
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