According to some traders, it seems like July has brought an early Christmas for the market. The Nasdaq is displaying notable gains, and the Dow closed higher for 13 straight sessions through 26th, July. Moreover, corporate earnings continue to pour in, especially from various tech companies on the horizon. This influx of earnings might be seen as a big test for the ongoing tech-stock rally.
In this edition of the Monthly Journal, we will dive deep into the c...
In this edition of the Monthly Journal, we will dive deep into the c...
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● An equal share of 1,000 points: For mooers who correctly guess AAPL's closing price range on August 4 ET by 2:30 PM, August 4 ET. (e.g., If 50 mooers make a correct guess, each of them will get 20 points.)
● Exclusive 300 points: For the writer of the top post on analyzing Apple's earnings preview as an inspiration reward.
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● An equal share of 1,000 points: For mooers who correctly guess AAPL's closing price range on August 4 ET by 2:30 PM, August 4 ET. (e.g., If 50 mooers make a correct guess, each of them will get 20 points.)
● Exclusive 300 points: For the writer of the top post on analyzing Apple's earnings preview as an inspiration reward.
*The selection is based on post quality, originality, and user engagement.
Note: 1. Rewa...