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SkyRainbow Private ID: 102445177
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    It is truely good news to hear no fee will be charged. This will motivate users to make more trade with less concern of fee charges. Thank you in advance.
    Before commiting on the stock you wanted, do research and check everything. Once you bought a share, stay committed and hold as long as you can. DCA or buy the dip. Keep telling yourself to give it a few months/years and “do not sell”.
    On June 10, 2021, I am officially joined the moomoo family.  It can be said to be very exciting.  Because I have always wanted to open a stock account, but I also want to learn more about this knowledge.  In the past, opening an account was not easy, and transactions were not so convenient.  moomoo is definitely the best trading software.  Time passed quickly, half a year passed in a blink of an eye! I also learned a lot in this half year, and my own experience is the best answer!  Don't rely on intuition in stocks, this is absolutely wrong!  Whenever I buy a stock, I hope it will rise.
    For example, Grab's valuation bubble is too big because of its listing.
    $Grab Holdings(GRAB.US)$ is not a company listed through the traditional initial public offering (IPO), but a SPAC company merged with Altimeter Growth Corp.
    This type of listed companies is relatively loosely regulated, which also allows many start-up companies to take advantage of it.  They will take the approach of exaggerating their own business and market prospects to raise the valuation and go public.
    I believe everyone has also paid attention to Trump’s $Digital World Acquisition Corp(DWAC.US)$ and $Phunware(PHUN.US)$ . From here we can see the basic operation of a company and the inflow and outflow of funds from the dealer.  Some companies will use a lot of money to reach their desired price and then leave the market.  Therefore, for this type of stock, you must know when to sell.
    For companies where everyone sees electronic cars competing with each other, although i missed $Rivian Automotive(RIVN.US)$  and cannot afford $Tesla(TSLA.US)$ , i made a little bit of $Sono Group(SEV.US)$ .
    I am also very happy to be an enthusiast in the moomoo community in the past six months.  I will work hard to learn about the stock, thank you moomoo team for giving me a good learning opportunity.  Thank you @moomoo Coursesand @Investing with moomoofor all the courses.  I am very happy for the support given by all my followers.  We work hard and learn together on this perfect platform. 
    Thanks for @Popular on moomooshare Weekly Buzz, daily poll, moohumor, etc. interesting post.
    Thanks for @moomoo Eventheld activities and stocks given out.
    Thanks for @moomoo RewardsThank you for all the peripheral products.
    Let's share your trading mood in 2021!

    Let’s share the exquisite products you redeem in 2021!
    Make more use of moomoo's functions and teaching, stop relying on self-consciousness, I must also remind myself! 📑📈📉📊📋
    Pay more attention to those professionals in the moomoo community like:
    @Mars Mooo
    Here is my current positions stock
    How about you?
    $Ford Motor(F.US)$
    $ARK Space Exploration & Innovation ETF(ARKX.US)$
    $Nu Holdings(NU.US)$
    $Sono Group(SEV.US)$
    $Twitter (Delisted)(TWTR.US)$
    $NIO Inc(NIO.US)$
    Positions Stats
    My 2021. 😊 I am very fortunate that moomoo is the first stock trading account in my life and I am studying.  .  .
    My 2021. 😊 I am very fortunate that moomoo is the first stock trading account in my life and I am studying.  .  .
    My 2021. 😊 I am very fortunate that moomoo is the first stock trading account in my life and I am studying.  .  .


    The biggest mistake is not considering the transaction fees when I first started. I should have consider the minimum fees and accumulate my monies to buy more shares.
    $NIO Inc(NIO.US)$ I heard complaints of owners about Tesla, I did not hear much about Nio. The concepts and design of Nio are really appealing. Looking forward to it.
    Seems it's time to get some SE $Sea(SE.US)$ , baba said SE Asia will be their main strategy for growth due to possible booming economy in that region.
    $SPDR Dow Jones Industrial Average Trust(DIA.US)$ $iShares Core S&P 500 ETF(IVV.US)$
    The number of initial claims for unemployment benefits in the United States increased slightly last week, but labor market conditions still maintain a tightening trend. U.S. manufacturing output climbed 0.7% in November to the highest level since January 2019, and housing starts surged 11.8%. The seasonally adjusted annual rate was 1.677 million households, the highest since March. In the week ending December 11, the number of initial jobless claims increased by 18,000 to 206,000 after seasonal adjustment.
    Article excerpted from the US Stock Research Agency
    In 2021, moomoo became the place where investors could share their opinions and communicate freely with each other. The frequent interactions between the enthusiastic mooers have positively impacted the community. Mooers are moving in the same direction: making profits and improving themselves. It would take a long time and great effort for our dear mooers to achieve these goals. Why don't we take a look at ten of the year's valuable market insights and investing tips?
    Spoiler: There's a chance to get points if you read till the end.
    *The selected articles are listed randomly.
    ONE: Is investing in Trump's new merger a good idea?
    @HuatLadywrote about his concerns on the merger of Trump's company and a SPAC called the Digital World Acquisition Corp. We have to admit that he has a point!
    "Forgive me for predicting that most likely his company's stock will not be viable for long term investment goal."
    View more: Will Donald be able to deal his Trump Card?
    TWO: What do you think of meme stocks?
    @Machiavellis3rdEyeused vivid language to call for rational investing and remind mooers to watch out for media manipulations. Do you agree with him?
    "You ARE ALL MY ALLIES, regardless of your investment choices, politics, religions, colors, sex, or anything else! I say we start learning and adapting to their constantly evolving illegal games (media manipulation, PFOF, CB's) together. Then we will all figure out how to take that cheese - without getting TRAPPED."
    View more: When will we get off this bus to CRAZYTOWN?
    THREE: What can we learn from the big picture?
    @WYCKOFFPROanalyzed the trend of the Russell 2020 with technical tools. Has the market proved his assumptions?
    "The breakout of the Russell 2000 gives the first confirmation of the scenario of possible rotation from big cap stocks to small cap stocks."
    View more: A Bargain you can't Ignore — This Laggard Breaks All Time High Last Week
    FOUR: Will the strong momentum of recovery stocks fade?
    On Nov 5, Pfizer introduced a new COVID-19 antiviral pill that is expected to treat 89% of acutely hospitalized patients and thus reduce the risk of death. @HuatEveranticipated that Pfizer's share price would continue to climb once the FDA approved the new antiviral pill. What do you think?
    "They hold the promise of cutting down the risk of severe Covid 19 ailments, hospitalisation stays and even deaths, and if being taken at the early onsets of infection. "
    View more: A Breakthrough in Covid 19 Antiviral Pills
    FIVE: EV stocks skyrocketing: Good buy or goodbye?
    @Deviltonconducted an in-depth analysis on one of the most popular stocks, $Rivian, and pointed out that patience is a virtue in trading.
    "Human are always impatient, we will always have FOMO if we sit and wait till Friday, scared that it stops falling and starts to rise again. Yet buying all tomo may not allow you to buy at the best price." View more here.
    SIX: How do you decide when to buy/sell?
    @HopeAlwayssaid that there is no best way to determine when to buy and when to sell the stocks of indexes. The timings depend on investing goals, philosophies, and personal preferences.
    "The three main risks are company, valuation and earnings risks. Once we are able to find a stock that that signals low risk based on these three conditions, it is time to buy. Whenever a negative change happens to any of the three conditions,  it is time to sell."
    View more: Buying and Selling Stocks
    SEVEN: How do you know when to stop loss / take profit?
    @Powerhousehas three underlying principles in stopping losses and taking profits. All investors should stay informed and closely observe trends to set price targets.
    "For micro, there is a need to determine your present financial risk appetite figuratively. On the macro level, situations may have changed. Determining when is the most precise time to stop loss or take profit of a stock and milk the most out of it is extremely difficult."
    View more: Stop the pain, take the happiness
    EIGHT: What urges you to press the "trade" button?
    @Panda2102has done macro research to sort out a list of companies and ranks them from different dimensions.
    "The mission statement, the moat, the network effect, the switching cost, low cost advantage, optionality, the ratio for PE, PEG, Cash, Debt, Free Cash flow and the ownership of the company."
    View more: Best time to press the trade button
    NINE: How to build a portfolio with a windfall of $1 million?
    @Mars Mooothinks that the Squid Game Multi-Portfolio comprises four parts: player 456, player 218, player 067, and a liquid one.
    "The first portfolio is aimed at potential sectors for diversification and profits. The second is designed to high risk lead high returns. The next one intent on helping on thr way. While the last one shows that cash is king."
    View more: The Squid Game Multi-Portfolios Portfolio
    TEN: How to profit from short-selling?
    @Mcsnacks H Tupackshared that short-selling is highly popular on Wall Street and often carried out by aggressive hedge funds.
    "Hedge funds acting through collaborating market makers can create huge numbers of counterfeit shares that can overwhelm buying demand. They have turned it into a casino and everyone knows the house always wins in that scenario."
    View more: The only way for short selling to be profitable is by cheating
    This recap takes a deep dive into the market insights and investing tips that inspire us to become better investors. Did you find anything interesting or helpful?
    Please Leave your comments below and @ the mooer whose opinions impress you the most, and explain why they are attractive. The 1st, 10th, 20th, 30th, 40th...(multiples of 10) mooers will be rewarded with 88 points each!
    Duration: Now- Dec 28, 2021 11:59 PM SGT
    moomoo annual ceremony is happening right now! Check it out here:  2021 in Review: Grow Together to the Moon!
    2021 in Review: Market Insights and Investing Tips of the Year