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melkee Male ID: 102452423
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    New energy & New trend
    Countries have advocated low-carbon plans to avoid damaging the environment in recent years.
    Do you support low-carbon living?
    As investors become more environmentally conscious, there is a growing trend in green investing.
    Have you ever considered buying a low-carbon ETF to do good for the planet?
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    Start by learning "What is an ETF?" and then judge if it really does good to your portf...
    Take the ETF quiz & win 1888 points and moomoo Lion!
    Take the ETF quiz & win 1888 points and moomoo Lion!
    1. Warren Buffett: the time-tested master
    You may have seen the chart below, which is a stark contrast between the returns of Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway and Cathy Wood's ARK Innovation ETF.
    Yes, you won't believe it in 2021, but it's true now. ARK ETFs used to be the most sought after by retail investors.
    Wood and Buffett have very different investing styles. But over the past two years, their investors have been retuned ...
    Investing Hacks: How to invest like Buffett? Find ideas from 13F
    Investing Hacks: How to invest like Buffett? Find ideas from 13F
    Investing Hacks: How to invest like Buffett? Find ideas from 13F
    Time flies! You have completed another journey of Co-Wise: What habits help you become a better trader. Thank you all for your participation! In this topic, most mooers mentioned FOMO emotions, panics, and mistakes. When newbies first got in the market, they followed blindly, not knowing what they were doing, and made losses due to succumbing to emotions.
    Will you get sucked into a BULL/FOMO trap when the market plunges? We must learn to stop emotions from getting in the way and take the upper hand in our decision-making. Successful tradings arise from constant practicing and establishing trading rules. Once your trading plan is created, you should be patient and keep plugging away. It would be best to grasp mistakes and be pragmatic to accept them and move on. Let's cultivate good habits to yield consistent results.
    Now, it's time for the winning list of this topic. Let's enjoy the highlight moments together! Congratulation to all the mooers winning $Ford Motor (F.US)$ and $ContextLogic (WISH.US)$ stocks!
    *The rewards will be distributed to winners within 15 working days—the ranking sortes in alphabetical order.
    Part Ⅰ: High-Quality Post Collection
    @Dadacai  Habits To Becoming A Better Trader
    One of the key successful habits is to form a trading plan. As Benjamin Franklin rightly said, if you fail to plan, you are planning to fail. Don’t give in to the fear of missing out (FOMO). With practice and perseverance, we can all become successful traders!
    @iSpyderTrader  Building Good Trading Habits
    DO NOT try to copy someone else's idea as that works for them. You need to get insight about it and try it on your own. Practice makes perfect. Do your due diligence (research, articles, news, etc.) Trade with a positive attitude. Don't be greedy and take profits.
    @JP GO  Set a rule that suitable your lifestyle
    Trading have to link with lifestyle and set up a rule of it. More importantly is following it as a habit. I start from small amounts to test that if my thoughts/rule works for me and make some adjustments. I only allow myself to use 3 quarters, leave a last option for myself and I won't fear while look at the red numbers.
    @mooboo  Habits that made me a better trader
    For my value investing, I do a certain amount of due diligence before starting a position in any stock. I fight the urge every time I panic. Emotions are your biggest enemy in the stock market. Lastly, manage your risk well.
    @TraderPeter  Be mechanical!
    The risk and the size are highly correlated. Ask Why first. Knowing the why helps me to make quick decision without second guess myself. Only trade something that is liquid enough. Take profit early and often and let time cure the pain.
    @bullrider21Nothing is foolproof
    Always do your homework before you buy a stock. Don't speculate. Don't buy on rumours. Find out the support and resistance levels to determine your buying and selling prices. You must be disciplined. Don't be too greedy.
    @Ganar PocoGood habits will make you a consistent winner
    Trading Psychology is a mental aspect of trading. It involves things like how to control your emotions,  eg FOMO. After you have control your emotions & learned the importance of Risk Management. The next important aspect that will give an edge in trading is Strategy.
    @Moo Top  My 117 days experiences
    I am still figuring out what is my plan in investing and trading after 117 days in Moomoo. However, the following are what I gather from my experiences: Investment or Trading. Have an exit plan if trading. Value or Growth or Meme stocks. Trading is not everything. Have a life.
    @Zann56  Overcoming emotions
    Human emotions (Fear and greed) are inevitably involved when it comes to investing. I have made losses in the past due to succumbing to my emotions. To avoid such mistakes, I have learnt to adopt 3 strategies now. Invest in what I strongly believe in. Dollar Cost Averaging. Diversification.
    @甜心0121  My Habits
    For me personally, I hold on to these 4 habits to ensure consistency in my trading. Set goals. Manage risks. Research, research and research. Limit time and get a life.
    For more engaging posts, please click Co-Wise: What habits help you become a better trader? to check. Don't forget to leave your comments and tell mooers what you've learned!
    Part Ⅱ: Voting on the “Mentor Moo” Title
    It's time for voting! Let's vote for the candidates to see who will win the "Mentor Moo" title. Whose post do you think is the best? Your vote means a lot to them!
    Emotions and responsibilities could cloud your thinking. Deduction and objectivity could lead you to impulsive and irrational decision-making, resulting in more losses. It is not valid to trade based on feelings or rumors. Analysis and research should be trading fundamentals. Emotional trading may bring back some earnings, but rational trading is how you survive for a long time. Enhance your lifestyle with trading and follow the rules as a habit. Practice makes perfect.
    Disclaimer: All investment involves risk. Neither Futu Inc, nor Futu SG, nor moomoo endorses any particular investment strategy. You should carefully consider your investment goals and objectives when deciding on an investment strategy. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.
    Mooers' Strategies: Habits to Become a Better TraderExpand
    $Advanced Micro Devices (AMD.US)$ $Cloudflare (NET.US)$ So I asked this question a few months ago and I got some very interesting responses, a lot of AMD, Cloudfare, and things of that nature. All in all people's picks performed very well much to my surprise and I would like to see what everyone likes for the next 10 years, particularly, stocks that have the most upside potential due to an industry being revolutionized or a company you believe is severely undervalued.
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    As investors, we have a variety of investment choices.Dividend stocks are usually well-established companies with a good history of distributing earnings back to shareholders.Dividend investing is a popularway toinvestin Singapore.
    What is dividend investing?
    Dividend investing is the practice of purchasing dividend-paying stocks to receive a consistent income stream from your investment. A dividend is theproportion of the profita company pays when itearns a profit or surplus.A vast majority of Singapore companies pay dividends to issue the payout quarterly. For instance, REIT is a well-known type of company that pays out dividends.
    What are REITs?
    REITs(real estate investment trusts)are among the most popular choices for investors who aim at a steady income stream. A REIT is a business that owns, operates, or funds income-producing real estate, which can provide investment opportunities to invest in a pool of professionally managed real estate assets and is listed and traded on a stock exchange.
    Singapore is a large real estate investment trust center in Asia.So far, there are currently 43 real estate investment trusts and real estate business trusts listed on the Singapore Exchange, with a total market value exceeding $110 billion, accounting for approximately 12% of the total in Singapore. The following figures show that REITs are booming in Singapore from different dimensions.
    Looking from the historical pattern, the returns of REITs are growing steadily, with a growth rate tripled from 2011 to 2021, as shown in Figure 1.
    Figure 1: Three Year Average Annualized Total Return of 13.4%
    Figure 2 shows that the average return of S-REITS & Property Trusts was 5.9%in 2021, which is higher than other assets classes.
    Figure 2: S-REITS & Property Trusts vs Other Asset Classes
    Since 2010, SGX's SREITs & Property Trusts has had a considerable 10-year compound annual growth rate of 11%, as shown in Figure 3.
    Figure 3: SGX’s SREITs & Property Trusts: a CAGR Growth of 11% Across Ten Years
    How to evaluate dividend stocks?
    As mentioned before, dividend stocksare usually well-established companies with a good earning history. The following three parameters could help you differentiate between stocks.
    Dividend yield
    Dividend yieldis the dividenda company pays out annually and is related to the stock price.Real estate investment trusts (REITs) usually pay higher than average dividends.Thehigherthedividend yield is, thebetter.In addition, the dividend's growth should be in line with the company's long-term earnings.
    Payout ratio
    Payout ratio refers to the dividends paid out as a percentage of a company's total earnings.A high payout ratio, notably exceeding 100%, could lead to questions regarding the long-term sustainability of a stock. In contrast, a low payout ratio could indicate that a company is reinvesting most of its earnings to expand its businesses. In other words, investors should treat the payout ratio critically, whether it's high or low.
    Dividend history
    The corporations with the best long-term dividend payment records typically have had consistent payout ratios for many years. Is the company's dividend distribution continually increasing? And how long has the corporation paid a dividend to its stockholders?
    How to conduct dividend investing?
    (1)Aim for a high dividend yield
    Investors with a short-term horizon can focus on slow-growing, established companies with a large cash flow that could pay substantial dividends.
    (2) Choose high dividend growth
    Long-term investors should concentrate on buying stocks of firms that are proliferating but pay lower-than-average dividends. The returns might look small shortly, but the dividend yield should steadily increase as a company expands.
    To evaluate the potential of a specific stock, investors can look at its past performance from reports that contain various charts. The following bar chart of WLMIY (Wilmar International Limited) forecasts dividend growth based on itshistory. Assuming that the annual dividend growth rate of $Wilmar Intl (F34.SG)$ is 15.73%, Wilmar's dividends double every 4.7 years.
    Several notes on dividend investing
    Dividends of any company are not fixed and can be adjusted at any time.
    Mature and large companies usually provide dividends with modest growth rates.
    Suppose investors focus on companies with substantial dividends only. In that case, they may miss out on fast-growing companies that have not started paying dividends or are paying a small amount of dividends.
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    Moomoo is a trading platform offered by Moomoo Inc. In Singapore, capital markets products and services on moomoo are offered by Futu Singapore Pte. Ltd. regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS).
    The content is provided for educational & informational use only. The information and data used are for purposes of illustration only. No content herein shall be considered an offer, solicitation or recommendation for the purchase or sale of securities, futures, or other investment products. It does not take into account your investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs. All information and data, if any, are for reference only and past performance should not be viewed as an indicator of future results. It is not a guarantee for future results. Investments in stocks, options, ETFs, and other instruments are subject to risks, including possible loss of the amount invested. The value of investments may fluctuate and as a result, clients may lose the value of their investment. When trading in a margin account, a client may lose more than their original investment. Please consult your financial adviser as to the suitability of any investment.
    Investing in Dividend Stocks
    Investing in Dividend Stocks
    Investing in Dividend Stocks
    Hey mooers , today let's learn how to identify stock market trends using moving averages to help add context, support decision making, and complement other forms of analysis.
    Technical analysis of stocks borrows from the law of inertia to understand and describe the relationships between a stock price, buying and selling of the stock, and its motion. In describing motion, investors borrow another physics term, "momentum," which, as in physics, is the quantity of motion. The "forces" acting on a stock are buying and selling. And the "motion" of a stock is usually called a trend.
    Trends can form in three directions: up, down, or sideways. These trends, or ways of describing a stock's motion, are among the technical analysis basics.
    Let's take Apple's chart as an example :
    Trend Analysis for Investors
    As opposed to traders, investors typically hold investments for long periods of time — months or several years. So when it comes to applying trend analysis to investing, it's important to use a chart and time frame that aligns with investing.
    Here's how these two moving averages can help identify trends. When the 5-day moving average is greater than the 20-day moving average, the AAPL is in an uptrend. When the 5-day is less than the 20-day moving average, the AAPL is in a downtrend.
    The idea is to maximize profits when the AAPL is in an uptrend. But when the AAPL is in a downtrend, the idea is to limit losses.
    Identifying trends using technical analysis is not an exact science; it has flaws, and it's not a standalone investing strategy. But technical analysis basics such as trend analysis can help add context, support your decision making, and complement other forms of analysis like fundamental, macroeconomic, and psychological.
    Let's learn about trends and moving averages
    Let's learn about trends and moving averages
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