Always read up on the stocks you are intending to buy. look at the P/L, earnings ratio etc. Moomoo gives a very good detail summary of the details.
Trade at your comfort zone. Don't spend all your money on stocks. This is not a game. Read up Moomoo beginners classes and tips. Learn how to read the graph (MacD/RSI etc).
There are always friendly moomooers that are commenting in the comments section. Some may be informative but take it as a pinch of salt. Back to first point, DO YOUR OWN DD.
Always seek your dad's advice as ginger is spicier when old. Learned from the greatest. Happy Father's Day!...
Trade at your comfort zone. Don't spend all your money on stocks. This is not a game. Read up Moomoo beginners classes and tips. Learn how to read the graph (MacD/RSI etc).
There are always friendly moomooers that are commenting in the comments section. Some may be informative but take it as a pinch of salt. Back to first point, DO YOUR OWN DD.
Always seek your dad's advice as ginger is spicier when old. Learned from the greatest. Happy Father's Day!...