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Cynthiw Private ID: 102529986
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    $Alibaba (BABA.US)$ wow, think 125 is not too much to ask for today.
    Anytime you have a correction once the market recovers, it has to dip again just not as low as before. A correction causes a gap and to fill that gap it takes a double bottom, probably a triple bottom since option contracts are expiring next week. So stay calm and expect another dip next week. Then the gaps should be able to fill. If you dont sell, you dont lose money.
    $Alibaba (BABA.US)$
    for all you guys who are currently nervous about baba price dropping, do not worry yet. As of now, technicals are showing a divergence of volume and share price. creating new lows but volume is decreasing. This are signs of weakening selling and price is about to do a technical rebound. So do not worry yet on the price.
    But after the technical rebound, the price is almost certain to touch 129. However I do foresee an incoming overall reversal of trend as based on large scale chart, there is also a stronger buying volume compared to selling despite the price creating new lows after new lows.
    This are all divergence of price and volume and whoever knows what I am talking about will be able to validate what I just shared.
    However, only time will tell whether I am right or wrong.
    As always, trade safe & invest wise!
    $Athenex (ATNX.US)$ Shareholders of the company are buying every day; if it falls, it is a bonusJust buy it
    Cynthiw reacted to
    Heres how to know when a stock will crash.
    Hedge funds create a weak spot for a stock thats getting a lot of attention. They make sure they are always in control. Now you can read how exercising options doesnt affect stock movement but that is a lie. But they base it on how stocks used to work and even tho they still had an effect it was miniscule due to market factors that no longer exist. One factor was option contracts werent very popular until recently. Not enough were sold to cause any reaction with a stock with millions of shares. Another is option strikes and contracts were considered infinite. I knew brokers who actually thought this. But option contracts are exercisable, where you receive the shares instead of the payout. It just was never done. The only time it did happen is when you didnt put in for the payout then they automatically were exercised and the shares would be in your account that monday minus the fees or you got margin called. Option contracts also didnt have half dollar strikes and once you got over 20.00 then it was only 5.00 strike distances allowed. Under 20.00 were 1.00 strike distances. And no option contracts were allowed for stocks below 5.00, which is why 5.00 and below stocks were nicknamed penny stocks. Now the whole system is a free for all because thats how you take control of movement. The volume now in options has a huge affect on pullbacks and thats why they created half dollar strikes. The more pauses and pullbacks you can cause the more chances there are to scare people into selling.
    This is $Biora Therapeutics (PROG.US)$ from today. Where is the only weakness in the entire option contracts? At the 5.50. How do they do that? Make the premiums at this strike the least worthy. The only way to get past this 5.50 spot and continue up is for the stock to open above the 7.50 strike. But they have ways to make sure that doesnt happen also. And they make sure people will exercise their options at 5.00 and below by the time values affect on the intrinsic value. So if they try to hold their option contracts they start to lose value.
    And thats how i know when and where a stock will crash.
    Knowing future crashes
    $Biora Therapeutics (PROG.US)$ Next time i wont say a word.Ill let you lose your money. Always asking my opinion but when its negative, no one wants to hear it. If you think i can make a stock go down then why cant i make it go up? Exactly. People dont understand this is a 50 trillion dollar world market and think 2 min before the bell i can crash a stock with 160million in volume. How about growing the hell up and learning, studying and actually understanding how the market works. If people want to hear a bunch of crying and moaning just ask my ex-wife how our wedding went. Otherwise keep your tears and your sobbing to yourself. Peace be with you. You all obviously need it. Im out!
    You will own nothing and be happy. The WHO leader stated this about the future of the world and until now i didnt know how they would achieve it.
    Think about the news stories recently: Chip shortage, Climate Change, Lockdowns, 5G, Cryptocurrency, NFTs. Now how would you get a world to submit to or even desiring imprisonment? Introduce a virtual world where they can be whoever or whatever they want to be. Everyone is accepted no matter what their perversion. An escape from this shitty reality around them and the shittier the Elites make it sound and appear, the easier it will be to put people into their prison.
    To get the ball rolling they had to secure the goods needed, like a lot of Chips. There is no shortage, they just need millions upon millions of chips for later usage. Next they needed it to have the highest speeds possible, so 5G rollout began at record pace. Then they knew people had to have money to spend, a virtual money, Cryptocurrency appears and they dress it up to appeal to the youth, and they fall for it-hook and line. But how could they not? Its been what the Elites have been training and preparing them for since birth with games like Roblox, Minecraft, Simms, and plenty of others.
    The next part of their plan was the hardest, getting adults hooked in. So the plandemic was born. People cut off from one another forced to do everything virtual, while they put out news stories of how scary the world is and how its dying and its our fault.
    The Elites are less than 1% of the worlds population yet now have 80% of the worlds wealth. As their control grows so do our chances of escaping from their forced imprisonment into a virtual world or metaverse. A place where you will own nothing and be happy. Welcome to the Matrix.
    1. $Calithera Biosciences (CALA.US)$ having an investor conference that starts when premarket opens.4am. News to be released. Stock is signaling a Bullish engulfing pattern for a big reversal up.
    2. $Rekor Systems (REKR.US)$ has a gap up in play. 7.15-10.50.
    3. $Osmotica Pharmaceuticals (OSMT.US)$ has rebounded off its support.Has two big gap ups in play for the next week. 1.65-3.01
    4. $Achilles Therapeutics (ACHL.US)$ starting back up to its recent high. 5.60-8.86
    5. $Alpine 4 Holdings (ALPP.US)$ working toward its IPO price. 3.04-4.62.
    6. $Vericel (VCEL.US)$ has 3 gap ups coming. 42.33-51.00