$UNITY ENT (02195.HK)$
Now around 0.197.Can this shares go up to 0.30 to 0.50.When can this shares reach 0.50. Thinking of buying this shares...
Now around 0.197.Can this shares go up to 0.30 to 0.50.When can this shares reach 0.50. Thinking of buying this shares...
$UNITY ENT (02195.HK)$
This share go down to 0.18. Any news on this share ?
This share go down to 0.18. Any news on this share ?
$YOUZAN (08083.HK)$
Now at 0.18, may be can go up further more. Not sure can go up to 0.70 ?
Now at 0.18, may be can go up further more. Not sure can go up to 0.70 ?