commented on
$Seatrium (S51.SG)$
has anyone received the email or phone call already re the rights issue?
Update: CS reply: "Email is expected to be sent around next Tuesday. Please pay attention to your email. Thank you"
has anyone received the email or phone call already re the rights issue?
Update: CS reply: "Email is expected to be sent around next Tuesday. Please pay attention to your email. Thank you"
102686228 : How this riGht issue worKs ? Do I need to say yes or no to something ? Or need to tOp up $$ ?
102686228 Bloom88 OP : . Let say I have 20k share bouGht at $0.10. If need top up. What is the possible seCnario ?
102686228 Bloom88 OP : Yes.. saw the email already... I think I will skip.. price is so near to the current price...