Now go out buy anything also expensive. transport increased. utilities increased but weather so hot, still must on air cond. most important, food increased a lot. how to survive like that. money cannot buy much things. so inflation still high. when this, I think interest will continue to go up.
What else to say? buy this, drop this. buy that, drop that. what earn the most in the beginning, in the end, lost the most. 2022 is a bad year for me. If i have known better, should have just sit quietly in a corner of the room, playing games all night and not monitor and reading wsb and betting but hindsight is always 20/20. 2023 dont look very good too for me. Will slow down betting and recuperate. FD and t bill might be an option.
i am not sure why list in Singapore will have any difference. if eh sai, in US already up. If Hang Seng with so many chinese support still cannot up, STI can do miracle is it? Anyway, i still got some red Nio la, if can up, i also happy but will not put too much hope.
I am an AMC ape. i have been holding for very long. i have stocks and also call on it. All still in red now. i dont think selling popcorn can recover to green. Vaccine, Marvel/DC and NFT maybe can help. But most important imho to make AMC moon are all apes unite, buy some, hold and wait for some crazy fund to short it again. btw, have all the short been covered?
i will average down if i have excess money. But now, no money, have war and high inflation. So i will just hold. Someday it will rise back Maybe will need wait very long but i can wait. If i cut lost now, it is confirm gone. Wait, still got some hope. Some people told me, sell now and buy back when it dip more. But me not fortune teller. So i wait.
no money la. not that i dont want buy the dip. but already bought too early and no money buy more. so just sit 1 side and wait. war will over. wont last forever. now inflation also high. interest going to go up soon. more reason to take no action. i will be patient and wait.
i think big institution will continue to profit. they have the money and can control the stock price. want up, will up. want down, will down. not many stock like gamestop and amc that can unite all the apes to fight. so yes, big institution will continue to profit. hard for us to folow them. they buy when low. we see them buy and follow but already high. it is not like we can copy trade in real time. So, just bet la. good luck will profit. bad luck, go sleep early. tomorrow ne...
i also dont understand why. i already do my research by reading wsb. i also read moomoo comment and news before i buy but most of my portfolio are in red. some like roblox, bb, pltr are deep blood red. wait amc to moon also never happen. maybe i should do the opposite of what i read this year.