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Winderry Private ID: 102802736
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    What is the gearing ratio?
    Gearing is the ratio of a REIT's debt to its total property value, also known as aggregated leverage. It is a metric that investors use to assess a company's financial leverage.
    High and low gearing ratio
    An optimal gearing ratio is primarily determined by the individual company relative to other companies within the same industry. However, you can refer to the basic guidelines for good and bad gearing ratios:
    - A gearing ratio hi...
    How to value a REIT with gearing ratio
    Hi, mooers!
    Has this ever happened to you? After you bought a stock, its price started to go down. The price bounced back right after you let go of it. It seems like we are somewhat being cursed because the market goes against our moves. Have you ever thought of why this happened and how to avoid it? This article might help!
    Spoiler: There's a chance for you to win points if you read till the end.
    Why should we review our trades?
    Writing reviews is one of the most effective ways to evaluate our past performance. A comprehensive review should include the assessment and analysis of your progress and mistakes. Reviews could be the basis for better planning and decision-making in the long run.
    Please take a look at what @Jamesimsaid about reviewing trades:  WHY DO YOU WANT TO REVIEW?
    How to review your trades?
    Tip 1: Record the actions and results
    You can write down your trading ticker, the P/L, transaction details like entry and exit points, order details like buying and selling prices, etc. Details of your actions and results are essential to the reviews and analysis afterward. 
    Check out the examples below:
    Tip 2: Write down your observations
    Apart from the records of your actions, reviews can also include observations. You can always reflect on yourself, the companies you are watching, or the overall stock market. If you are a daytrader, you can take screenshots of intraday charts and comment on them. Besides, technical indicators are helpful when you are trying to uncover patterns. We've found that most trading reviews concentrate on self-analysis and include little about the related companies and market sentiments. Let's see how to do it appropriately below.
    "Leap of Faith with Leap Option Play" by @Moo Top
    "Era of electronic car competition" by @Jamesim
    Tip 3: Accept your mistakes and celebrate your progress
    With the records of actions and observations mentioned above, you can dig deeper to uncover the mistakes and progress you've made. In this process, there shouldn't be any hard feelings. We can celebrate and learn from both failures and successes. Reviews enable you to keep tabs on your growth as a trader and the weak links of your trade. Only by constantly improving yourself can you become more confident. An excellent example is as follows: Watch out Trailing Stop!!
    Tip 4: Monitor and control your emotions
    Being indulged in emotions, negative or positive, could lead to impulsive actions. A review of your trade allows you to note down how you feel when encountering a specific situation. This practice enables you to accept and acknowledge the emotions behind every transaction.
    Example to review your emotion "Lost by not entering, won by not entering too." @Moo to Moon FTW, and @Ganar Poco
    Trading reviews are powerful learning tools. Writing them is part of the excellent mechanism that helps you discover what you want and what suits you the best. A couple of months later, you may start to uncover the patterns of your trades, which means your trading system is taking shape!
    How can moomoo empower your review?
    moomoo's trading notes allow you to record the details of your current position target and the profits and losses. It also records the number of stocks and the frequency of your trades within a certain period. Your review could become much more straightforward and precise with the trading notes. Let's take a look at how to use the "review" features on moomoo!
    In addition, by reviewing your trade with moomoo, you will be able to exchange notes with other mooers. A friendly community vibe is what we encourage and appreciate. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to comment!
    Final Words
    Nothing is too silly to be recorded in your review. Just write down what happened when you missed a trade because you were watching the latest episode of a Netflix series or you were busy talking to your sweetheart. Remember that the best time to start writing is now! Over time, writing reviews would improve your trading efficiency. The reviews could be your key to favorable trades if they're consistently and constantly updated.
    Share your tips for reviewing trades and comment below, and we will select the top 10 users with the most likes to give away 88 points reward!
    Review Trades to Shape Your Trading System
    Review Trades to Shape Your Trading System
    Review Trades to Shape Your Trading System
    Bought 645,110 shares — estimated to be worth $133.3 million — in $Zoom Video Communications (ZM.US)$  on the dip. The stock plummeted 14.7% to close at $206.64 a share on Tuesday.
    Sold 43,188 shares — estimated to be worth $14.56 million — in $Meta Platforms (FB.US)$ . The stock closed 1.10% lower at $337.25 a share on Tuesday.
    Bought 499,744 shares — estimated to be worth $13.81 million — in $Robinhood (HOOD.US)$ . The stock closed 0.68% lower at $27.65 a share. The company on Monday said it tested the transfer of meme cryptocurrency Dogecoin to an external wallet for the first time.
    $Apple (AAPL.US)$ 
    I started using iPod mini many years ago because design was so sleek and when i managed to get mt first iPhone 4S, I realised what I have been missing out in this mini entertainment complex that is now in the grasp of my hand!
    Despite iPhones and iPads, I never used a Mac until I joined my current company and my my, the MacBook Pro is such a good work companion and functions fast despite me overloading it sometimes!
    Also many thanks to my peroanal Apple product sponsor ...
    Today, I love working with Apple
    In 2021, Futu turns 9 years old. Having accompanied millions of users for 9 years.
    As we celebrate our 9th birthday, we look back into the past and try to uncover memorable moments, and found that every unforgettable moment was spent with you—our dear users:
    In 2012, Futu embarked on an exciting journey with you.
    In 2019, we were listed on the Nasdaq.
    In 2020, we onboarded our 10 millionth user.
    In 2021, we advanced into more markets across the globe, welcoming more than 15.5 million users from over 200 countries and regions…
    As we celebrate our 9th birthday, we feel ever more motivated by our founding vision: “make investing easier and not alone”. It is the millions of users in our community that make investing “not alone”. These 9 years with you are the best time that we have ever spent.
    As we celebrate our 9th birthday, we would like you to know: We wish to continue accompanying you on your investing journey ahead, for the next 9 years or even 90 years.
    As we celebrate our 9th birthday, we sincerely want to invite you - our dear users - to share your moomoo stories in the past years.
    [About the Event]
    We wish to invite our users to share their moomoo stories and 9 representative users will be selected. If you are interested, please send your moomoo story or your self-introduction to the official email address:
    The email should include: (ideally 300-500 words, the more the better)
    -Your name,  moomoo ID,  Nationality, Occupation
    -Your moomoo story: When you started using Futu services and products via moomoo; what you want to share with us and fellow users
    -A casual photo of yourself or a photo of you with a moomoo figurine (optional, less than 5M)
    [What to Do If I Am Selected as a Representative User?]
    ① You should be willing to take an interview themed "My moomoo Story", which will be disseminated via global and Futu/moomoo official media channels in the form of image and text.
    ② You should be willing to take a photo against a pure-colored background or a photo that presents your daily life. The photo will be used for the poster of "Futu 9th Anniversary—Representative Users", which will be disseminated globally.
    ③ You should be willing to participate in a video filming. The video will be used for the video of "Futu 9th Anniversary—Representative Users", which will be disseminated globally.
    *Detailed information on the specifications of the photos and videos will be further discussed with you by our staff.
    [Application Period]
    September 16 – September 22
    [Gift Package for Selected Users]
    If you are selected as a representative user, share your Futu story, and participate in the photo taking and video filming, you will receive a US$999 stock card*, and a lucky bag containing exquisite moomoo merchandise.
    [Gift Package for Event Participants]
    User that actively participated in the Event but are not selected will receive 999 points* as a thank you gift.
    *T&Cs apply:
    Singapore Users: tap to read full T&Cs
    U.S. Users: tap to read full T&Cs
    [Call for Stories] Futu Turns 9 and You Are Invited to Share Your “moomoo Stories”!