In my opinion, this ETF is not worth a buy. People buying into meme stocks are looking for a potential short squeeze in a particular stock and reaping the windfall as soon as the price skyrocketed. Based on the past short squeezes in meme stocks, it almost always happened to only 1 - 2 stocks at a time. Buying an ETF defeats this purpose because it holds a basket of various stocks and the likelihood of having majority of these stocks experiencing a short squeeze at the same time is unlikely. I would advise meme gamblers to put in the effort to continuously look for a few potential meme stocks and bet on those.
In my opinion, this ETF is not worth a buy. People buying into meme stocks are looking for a potential short squeeze in a particular stock and reaping the windfall as soon as the price skyrocketed. Based on the past short squeezes in meme stocks, it almost always happened to only 1 - 2 stocks at a time. Buying an ETF defeats this purpose because it holds a basket of various stocks and the likelihood of having majority of these stocks experiencing a short squeeze at the same time is unlikely. I would advise meme gamblers to put in the effort to continuously look for a few potential meme stocks and bet on those.
$DiDi Global (Delisted) (DIDI.US)$ I am curious how the price will move today. I tried looking up on the Internet about it and there seems to be a number of possibilities. Please do not let your current position cloud your view. Share your view on the most likely outcome below
$Grab Holdings (GRAB.US)$ For those that is backing Grab because you use it on a daily basis, just so you know there are many other products you use daily - your laptop, TV, clothing, shoes, etc. Did you invest in the companies that made these products? If not, then I don't see how your reasoning makes sense
$Phunware (PHUN.US)$ Where are the comments saying Trump investors were sleeping? Meme stock buyers watch the market very closely, every price movement is driven by sentiment round the clock. No one sleeps when trading is happening
$Altimeter Growth Corp (AGC.US)$ I regret to say this but I think we missed the boat. The lacklustre performance today after merger announcement is really off. I read an analysis on SPAC stocks going into merger and it says that SPAC stock that is $13 and below on merger day is an indication of share price tanking upon merger. I am still holding onto AGC now since there is no much point off loading it now. Let's just hope it goes up before tomorrow.
$Altimeter Growth Corp (AGC.US)$ Market in red. Wrong day for EGM?
$Sea (SE.US)$ Averaging down is wise if you believe the company is fundamentally sound. However, there is no need to buy on every dip or you will run out of ammo before it reaches the bottom. Find out what is your comfort level (ie. Current price is X% below your buy price) before you average down. Just my 2 cents worth.
$Altimeter Growth Corp (AGC.US)$ Your children 10 years down the road will probably ask you why didn't you buy Grab when it was only $15?