坤Koon OP WallStreetYoda : I avg down from 40 till 25 already haiz but will still hold on to it
坤Koon OP Discipline Trader : I use to be at 50+ level down to 30+ I had more then 100 share too no selling only can buy more
坤Koon OP Discipline Trader : Haha only hold no sell
坤Koon OP 102152318 : No difference to keep also what may as well hold it
坤Koon OP BuddyAPE : My price was 59 then buy in dip till 46+
坤Koon OP 102680461 : Just brought in 5 more at 29
坤Koon OP JyurienT : Wow what price u buy in at ?
坤Koon OP WallStreetYoda : I avg down from 40 till 25 already haiz but will still hold on to it