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cong li Male ID: 103095723
Liquidity, it's people.
    $Nike(NKE.US)$ priced in, fairly valued 75
    $Gold Futures(AUG4)(GCmain.US)$ I ought to remind myself to know deeply what I'm buying into and to differentiate between asset and merchandise.
    Why do investments fail?
    This happened to me, and I would like to share with you the reason.
    If your circle of friends' aim in life is to seek indulgence, leave them.
    When your income goes up, your lifestyle runs faster than your income, so does your debt, until it becomes a habit.
    Then, when a downturn comes, you will make irrational decisions because all you think is how to get this amount of money this month and ...
    It's funny to see people playing poker always hope to get a straight or flush when they know they are against opponent's aces.
    It's called a gambler's fallacy i. e. what goes up must come down or vice versa, frustrated when this doesn't work, cursing and swearing.
    The other reason is called loss aversion, because thinking that to make a loss is stupid, during the upbringing one will get punished when making mistakes, always need to score 100 on exams.
    I can understand and...
    $Alibaba(BABA.US)$ lol you all, just relax and enjoy the show, why need to use so much leverage, trying to make millions overnight? how much can you put it there? 5% margin required, let's say your capital is 100K, all in 2 million? wiped out in minutes lol
    Suddenly the tone has changed asking people to flock in, surely when the price gets correction then the apocalypse thesis clowns will come out again.
    Be wise on what you post, if your intention is to hurt others in the hope to get short term gain with leverage it's not gonna support you in the long run, liquidity it's people, the more people out of the game you will get nothing.
    Personally I believe it's ok to take profit and go in again later. Stop the urge to make money, it's ...
    Do not judge someone's point of view by black and white, instead see things in colors, when someone is in pain they tend to think in extreme and making poor decisions.
    Those who live by a crystal ball is destined to eat ground glass.
    The key is not to predict the next exact outcome because no one alone can have a complete picture of reality.
    Instead we need to find the right model to be able to weather the storm and cross the jungle not being killed. IF you think there isn...
    IF there is one chance out of 1000 to wipe out all hard works that you earn, that's a lot.
    Think about it, if you keep betting everyday to double your money but with 1/1000 possibility to erase all your wealth, it will only take less than 3 years for it to happen.
    This is what happen to most, they will double their bet to recoup the losses, doing mental accounting is definitely not investing.
    The worse is to spread misinformation for others to follow.
    I know we're all playing z...
    From the book Ray Dalio's Principles:
    In 1929 a 15 percent rally was followed by the greatest crash of all time. In October, to hedge against worst possibilities, I bought gold and T-bill futures as a spread against eurodollars. I was dead wrong, after a delay, the economy responded to Fed's efforts rebounding in a non inflationary way. My experience over this period was like a series of blows to the head with a basketball bat. Being so wrong was incredibly humbling and...