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Welcome back to "Max Learns to Invest" – our story-driven series that explores moomoo's features through the eyes of Max, our avatar representing new investors like you. Max's journey mirrors the challenges many of you face when starting out in investing.
Got thoughts or questions? Share them below! We're rewarding 88 points for every comment that provides actionable suggestions or answers to our end-of-article quest...
Got thoughts or questions? Share them below! We're rewarding 88 points for every comment that provides actionable suggestions or answers to our end-of-article quest...
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Hi, mooers.
To support you in staying informed and proactive against fraud, we've launched a "Fraud Prevention" feature. It's designed to be user-friendly, offering tools and assistance for reporting suspicious activities, staying up-to-date with alerts, and learning how to prevent fraud.
Report Fraud:
If you encounter suspicious activities that you believe may be fraudulent, you can report them by visiting "Me > Fraud Prevention > Report Fraud...
To support you in staying informed and proactive against fraud, we've launched a "Fraud Prevention" feature. It's designed to be user-friendly, offering tools and assistance for reporting suspicious activities, staying up-to-date with alerts, and learning how to prevent fraud.
Report Fraud:
If you encounter suspicious activities that you believe may be fraudulent, you can report them by visiting "Me > Fraud Prevention > Report Fraud...
103141713 102362254 : 我最近也很关注麦当劳,但要等到它回调到低位时买入并长期持有,同时分享它的股价稳健增长和股息,我注意到麦当从今年6月份到10月初,股价增长了50美元/股,收益非常可观。所以,我赞赏你的眼光。
103141713 Kevin Neo : 不要只看股息,有可能它的股价在不断下跌那。