$Fullerton SGD Cash Fund (SG9999005961.MF)$
how long does it take for everyone to redeem their funds before it is withdrawable and successfully transfers out to your bank account? i saw its suppose to be t+1 but i redeemed the fund on a wednesday evening, its already monday and it hasnt even transferred out to my bank account. very disappointing experience and lost of opportunity cost!
how long does it take for everyone to redeem their funds before it is withdrawable and successfully transfers out to your bank account? i saw its suppose to be t+1 but i redeemed the fund on a wednesday evening, its already monday and it hasnt even transferred out to my bank account. very disappointing experience and lost of opportunity cost!
$Fullerton SGD Cash Fund (SG9999005961.MF)$ if i decide to redeem the funds, is there any additional fees incurred?
103554166 OP : Anyone knows if it is faster to redeem directly to bank account or to the universal account then withdraw from there ?