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13赚钱13买菜13 Private ID: 103719526
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    just to share my little holding on one of counters, I have little funds to invest but aims for long term gain by looking at counter with vision, building up their moat and ecosystem, fundamental that won't go bad over times particularly looking at company that everyone need like utilities, progress of gain may slow, amount might be little due to less fund but always get few multiple times over times. Like ytlpwr that I transferred in, building up their ecosystem w...
    results for holding 2 years plus
    $Advanced Micro Devices (AMD.US)$ Be cautious, take profits when things are going well, I'll leave first, see you at the next stop.
    I have mentioned before that SERV has passed the hype period and the price will drop to around 10. The closing price of 9.58 last night is a good entry price, but this stock needs to be held for a period of time. There is no good news every day. As for RR, the stock price is low and there is a lot of speculative space. It had dropped to 0.50 in July, and those who bought in made a profit of 150%. The highest price last night was 2.04, and it closed at 1.64, with a trading volume of more than 0.1 billion, still having speculative momentum. I previously bought at 1-0.50 and averaged around 0.75, estimating half between 1.60-1.80, and still holding half.
    Uncle's opinion: Short-term operation, take profit when you see a good opportunity, don't be too greedy.
    Brilliant. $Microsoft (MSFT.US)$ is trying to clearly show monetization of AI and get people focused on that growth instead of the PC refresh. The results will quiet down stakeholders criticizing the CAPEX spend as well as throw the gauntlet at $Amazon (AMZN.US)$ and $Alphabet-C (GOOG.US)$ to get moving on making AI profitable. $Meta Platforms (META.US)$ is already monetizing so now 2 of the 4 major GPU buyers are will show gains.
    If enough folks (like the 70k accounts committed to but not yet on co...
    從房子是用來住不用來炒開始,中國火熱的房產行業就進入崩潰倒數;大陸房產商的杆槓率是百分之幾百,也就是用1塊錢做3~5或10的生意,操作模式是:用1塊錢去拿下一塊地,然後押給(銀行)貸出1~2,打地基開始就開始賣樓花,買房的人首付30%,其它借(銀行),房產商拿了買房人30%以及更多施工階段期間從(銀行)分批取的資金回蘢,然後又將資金去買地,又押給(銀行)貸出資金,按此模式不斷重覆,資金源源不絕從銀行貸出來,所有參以這個游戲的金主房產商銀行政府高層,都是贏家只有買房的人是輸家,一來是高泡沫的房價,以及拿不到房的爛尾樓,但依然要支付20~30年的房貸。(1 )👆
    Mark Hatala, Missouri, USA, learned more than 20 years ago from a student who liked to play games and assemble his own computer, invested in Fiida for the first time, because video game lovers thought that the Fiida graphics cards were the best.
    Around 2002, Hattara invested about $2000 (about NT$0.064 million) in Fiat shares, never fully selling the stock, and now “like a Lotto”. The 58-year-old Hatala plans to retire early next year, partly because the massive increase in the Fijian share price makes him feel financially secure.
    美股可致富 👇
    報導介紹了多位輝達早期投資人的財務規劃,1位住在肯塔基州的牙醫師伍茲(Jim Woods)表示,電腦晶片業務將成為一個蓬勃發展的行業,而黃仁勳從台灣移民到美國後曾在肯塔基州短暫居住過,也讓他有親切感。
    伍茲於 2000 年決定投資輝達,當時花了6.5萬美元買250股,透過股息再投資和各種股票分割,現在變成約 12萬4000 股,以上周五(23日)收盤價估算,價值1604萬美元。
    伍茲強調,「這是一檔很難持有的股票,如果不願意經歷它的所有起起落落,你永遠不會走到這一步」。這是因為2022 年利率上升時,打壓科技股,輝達股價下跌 50%。該股在 2008 年還下跌 76%,在 2002 年則跌了 83%。
    There was an undistinguished man who brought a beautiful lady to the Hermes store to buy a bag.
    Then he chose a 0.5 million platinum bag for the lady, and when she paid, the man took out the checkbook and, being very shy, signed a check. It was so hard for the store staff. Then the man looked at the shopkeeper's thoughts and said, “Oh, I feel you're worried it's an empty check, right? Today is Saturday, the bank is closed. I recommend that you leave both the check and the bag. Until next Monday's cheque is cashed, please send the bag to the lady's office.
    You see, doesn't that work? “The store staff let it down and gladly accepted the suggestion, and he promised that the delivery costs would be borne by the store, and he took care of it himself. On Monday, the store staff took a check to the bank to check in, and the check was really a cheque from Zhang Kuan Tau! The angry shopkeeper called the man, and the man said to her: “It's not a big deal! You and I have nothing to lose. Last Saturday night I ?$#@$ that girl! Thank you for your cooperation.
    This story reveals the nature of the underlending crisis. People can overlook huge risks when they have good expectations for future earnings. The beauty thought that the 0.6 million Hermes bag came home on Monday, and naturally relaxed her guard, thinking the investment was worth it, not knowing that her investment was built on an uncertain risk.
    #這個故事也告訴我們: What you “see for yourself” doesn't have to be real either...
    13赚钱13买菜13 liked and commented on
    Investing in US stocks was my choice to re-enter the stock market after suffering losses in Malaysia and Hong Kong stocks for many years. At that time, I did a lot of research, especially during the three years of the Wuhan epidemic from 2019 to 2022 when society was at a standstill. I spent about 4-5 hours every day watching, reading, and listening, and the time spent has yielded satisfactory results. I bought 80 shares of SE and sold at 302, bought 20 shares of NKLA and sold at 80, bought 30 shares of Silver and sold at 100. Some were not cashed out due to bankruptcy leading to total loss. There were also two to three new EV stocks that plummeted by 90% resulting in losses. Since I did not go all in and always entered the market using the dollar-cost averaging method, my current account is still profitable. Some of the most successful investments include Tesla, Amazon, and the recent hot stock Nvidia, with an average profit margin of 500% to 600% (including stock splits). If I exit due to losses, I won't be able to enjoy the sweet investment roi. I have always emphasized that the average inflation rate of 1.5%-3% means cash depreciates every year, especially after the epidemic and during the US-China trade war. The global supply imbalance has caused prices to rise in various countries to a point where it's unbearable (Malaysia is still manageable, but Taiwan is somewhat exaggerated). Bank deposits with an interest rate of 3%-5% are suitable for those with significant assets. If one aims to invest for wealth, besides US stocks, I don't see any other market that can bring super high returns. Looking at the global trend, the USA still has the most capital, naturally making the stock market there the safest and with the most options.
    #Investing in US stocks can lead to wealth