$KOPI (0338.MY)$ To perform the scuttlebutt approach in investing, I have just done the prelim google review of the cafes located in MY and SG for ORIENTAL KOPITIAM. And unsurprisingly, the reviews results are commendable at:
1. 4.1 out of 5 stars and above for the cafes in Malaysia
2. 3.9 out of 5 stars for the JV in Singapore
I have also tried out a few ORIENTAL cafes on a different occassion, and the quality of the cafes remained consistent (whether delicious or...
1. 4.1 out of 5 stars and above for the cafes in Malaysia
2. 3.9 out of 5 stars for the JV in Singapore
I have also tried out a few ORIENTAL cafes on a different occassion, and the quality of the cafes remained consistent (whether delicious or...

$PTRANS (0186.MY)$
The stock price movement of PTRANS always baffled me, to say the least. Why?
1. A business with near-to-monopoly type of business environment (Operating bus station which would not work unless you obtained approval from government).
2. Growing business with government contracts coming in from time to time.
3. Huge upside potential(the bus operation is still an underserved market)
However, share price has been going down for month...
The stock price movement of PTRANS always baffled me, to say the least. Why?
1. A business with near-to-monopoly type of business environment (Operating bus station which would not work unless you obtained approval from government).
2. Growing business with government contracts coming in from time to time.
3. Huge upside potential(the bus operation is still an underserved market)
However, share price has been going down for month...
$RCECAP (9296.MY)$ Many long term holders of RCECAP should still remember the bonus issue declared by the company not that long ago. Comparing to the year between 2016-2020, from 2021 onwards, the company has really stepped up its game in terms of rewarding shareholders through:
1. Upping its dividend payout ratio
2. Several rounds of bonus issues
3. Special dividends (though this is more of a one-time surprises).
Theoretically speaking, the bonus issue shouldn’t impact the u...
1. Upping its dividend payout ratio
2. Several rounds of bonus issues
3. Special dividends (though this is more of a one-time surprises).
Theoretically speaking, the bonus issue shouldn’t impact the u...
$RCECAP (9296.MY)$ With the increment of civil servant’s salary (circa 13%) slated to commence from Dec 2024 onwards, its positive impact on RCECAP’s top and bottom line should be reflected from Q4 2025 (Jan-Mar period) onwards, and the full impact should be reflected in FY 2026 (Apr 2025 - Mar 2026) accordingly.
Patience is a virtue and this holds true especially for this stock which has steadily grown over the past few years.
Patience is a virtue and this holds true especially for this stock which has steadily grown over the past few years.
$CTOS (5301.MY)$ Reference is made to the previous announcements released on 11 March 2024 and 14 March 2024 in relation to the litigation case between Suriati binti Mohd Yusof ("Plaintiff") and CTOS Data Systems Sdn Bhd ("CDS"). The Board of Directors of CTOS wishes to inform that following an online case management (e-Review) on 2 April 2024, the hearing date for the appeal has been fixed for 9 July 2024. CDS has also recei...
$RCECAP (9296.MY)$ The recent selloff may give common investor the opportunity to initiate some base position, bearing in mind that the PE ratio remains elevated.