$LionGlobal Singapore Trust Fund (SG9999002406.MF)$ how do I redeem the shares,it was written 0.00shares to be redeemed.
In May,I tried to trade meme stocks which include AMC ,NIO and earn decent earnings. For AMC ,I bought at 3 something and sold at 4 dollars and only earn a few dollars,however for NIO similarly,I bought at 3 something and sold at 5 dollars and this helped me earn most of my gains in May.I saw both stocks trending near their lows and on an uptrend trajectory hence managed to get in before others realizing the meme stocks trending.

I invested in SG stocks for more than twenty years but in US stocks I am only two weeks old.I started investing in US stocks in Moomoo only two weeks ago and it is already ten percent in the red. But I am lucky that I was not caught in the free fall of US stocks slightly earlier before I invested in US stocks or else my losses will ne greater.Nevertheless two weeks in US stocks I am still going grappling with the best method to invest in US stocks and I realised that it is...