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104739691 Private ID: 104739691
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    104739691 commented on
    $TENAGA (5347.BMS)$ Is nobody going to take me flying?Then I'll have to fly by myself.
    At the same time as the impressive performance of the banking industry, foreign investors actively bought Malaysian shares for the third consecutive week last week, with a net purchase of up to 1.5 billion Malaysian ringgit, the highest net purchase since March 18, 2016.
    MIDF Research stated in its capital flow report that foreign funds continued to flow into Malaysian shares on a large scale last week. The top three sectors favored by foreign investors are financial services (1.3 billion ringgit), utilities (0.2 billion ringgit), and construction (88.7 million ringgit).
    At the same time, the three sectors where foreign funds were net sold are technology (-60.4 million ringgit), transportation and logistics (-57.2 million ringgit), and industrial products and services (-41 million ringgit).
    Local institutions sold net horse shares throughout the week, with a net selling amount of 1.260 billion ringgit, the largest net selling amount since March 4, 2022. Local institutions bought net 13.9 million ringgit horse shares on Monday, but were net sellers from Tuesday to Friday.
    As for retail investors, except for buying on Thursday, they were selling on other trading days, with a total net selling amount of 0.2454 billion ringgit horse shares.
    In terms of participation, all three parties have seen growth, with foreign trade being the most active, with an average daily trade value (ADTV) rising by 49.9%, while local institutions and retail investors fell by 0.4% and 2.8% respectively.
    Foreign funds net bought stocks last week.
    $PBBANK (1295.BMS)$
    $MAYBANK (1155.BMS)$
    $RHBBANK (1066.BMS)$
    $CIMB (1023.BMS)$
    Capital trend: Foreign net buy 1.5 billion Malaysian shares, the largest net buy in 8 years.
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