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YZ104805839 Private ID: 104805839
    YZ104805839 commented on
    MooMoo has finally arrived in Malaysia! I've finally waited for this moment! The operation interface is also very easy to use! Of course I would recommend such an easy to use platform to everyone! There's also a reward!
    I had a hard time inviting someone and got two RM 100 Cash roll.
    But because I didn't press”wielding“, and missed one RM 100 cash roll!
    Why do you have to set a deadline for rewards... 🥺
    Why not just take this RM 100 to access user account That's fine... 🥺
    I thought this one card roll Yes and StockVoucher Similarly, stocks need to be purchased before the system is automatically used. So I bought this card before it expired and it was worth moreRM 100 Shares. Let's use this card roll.
    Then today, 28/6, the other card is about to expire. I did the same thing to buy stocks and wait for the system to automatically use the card.
    The difference is, I was inexplicably worried that the card was not being used properly, and when it expired, I asked customer service. I just found out! Turns out, just press”wielding“You can get thisRM 100It's done!
    Here's the problem! Obviously, there's no need to be likeStock VoucherThat way, you have to buy shares before you can use them. Why notGo directly to the user's account Just fine?
    I'm very disappointed... 🥲 The reason this Refer bonus has an expiration date is so that blog users forget to use it...
    Refer-inviter rewards! Card rolls make oolong...! Expiration issues!
    Refer-inviter rewards! Card rolls make oolong...! Expiration issues!
    YZ104805839 commented on
    This is my first time participating in IPO~ Manipulation is easier than I imagined ✨️ This little white is perfect for me hahaha
    Freshly satisfied ~ The first IPO was offered to OceanFresh~ also very fresh 🤣
    No greed - only bought 600 shares/6 hands - because the amount was just 168 “round trips”! 🤣✨️ Hahahaha
    Follow the draw ✨️ Go smoothly ✨️ Open the well! 💨
    First time participating in IPO ✨️
    $KAREX(5247.MY)$ condom maker bo to 52w hi in this market…really ?
    Hey, mooers. It's International Women's Day! 💐
    Let's take a moment to spotlight the amazing women who are shaking up the investment world with their killer instincts and bold strategies.
    Barbara Corcoran is a prime example. She spun a tiny loan into a real estate goldmine! Stories like hers aren't just inspiring; they're proof that with the right moves and a dash of tenacity, the sky's the limit. These women are leading the charge, and we're all taking notes.
    Happy International Women's Day!
    Today's stock market session was quite the mix. Overall, stocks ended the day slightly down, but there was a lot of different action happening under the surface. On one hand, some stocks were hitting new highs, continuing their upward trend. On the other hand, we also saw an increase in stocks hitting new lows, which is a bit unusual to see both happening at the same time. This mix signals that not everything is as rosy as it might seem.
    When markets reach their peak...
    Market Summary 4th March 2024
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