commented on
$MFLOUR (3662.MY)$ Who cares about the dividend of 0.015..cc? It's not like you can buy a million shares for just a few hundred bucks! And the trading volume is scarce!
$MFLOUR (3662.MY)$
wheat prices were dropped significantly over the last 2 quarters, malaysia ringgit is strenthening over last quarter. there is totally no reason why its profit will dropped . any one has answer for that ?
wheat prices were dropped significantly over the last 2 quarters, malaysia ringgit is strenthening over last quarter. there is totally no reason why its profit will dropped . any one has answer for that ?
105479285 : This devidend is like indication of the company financial , this mflour last year declare net profit is 5 million for entire year 2023, this year alone he give out another 0.015 sen , meaning total this year he give 0.045 per share, with total 1.2 billion share meaning he give out 54 million of cash devidend to share holder in 2024 alone , last year declare profit 5 m ? U tell me what it means if my data is correct ?