Last year December, I've decided to step outside of my comfort zone and do a custom portfolio instead of templates provided by StashAway. Here, I created my own custom ETF Portfolio with the following allocation:
[ESGU: 25%, IVV: 29%, QQQ: 25%, IHYU: 10%, GLD, 10%]
Here's my strategy (DCA, Buy in Dips)
DCA small amounts twice a month (1st & 16th), as well as buying at major dips, I do not invest in a larger sums unless there's a major dip. ...
[ESGU: 25%, IVV: 29%, QQQ: 25%, IHYU: 10%, GLD, 10%]
Here's my strategy (DCA, Buy in Dips)
DCA small amounts twice a month (1st & 16th), as well as buying at major dips, I do not invest in a larger sums unless there's a major dip. ...
